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## Chapter 270: The Five Puranas
**14.** "Indeed, you will soon know his qualities through his actions. To reveal them through words would only be a cause for laughter."
**15.** "Therefore, let the Supreme Lord grant you the wisdom to consider this union. By obtaining this connection, he will be fulfilled."
**16.** Having been convinced by the minister's words, Ravana, with wisdom, decided to accept him as his son-in-law. He then arranged all the necessary preparations for the wedding.
**17.** The wedding ceremony was filled with joy and happiness, as all the necessary causes for the union were effortlessly fulfilled.
**18.** Just as the spring season, adorned with countless, captivating flowers, brings joy and fragrance to the world, so too did Madhu, the prince, find immense happiness upon obtaining the beautiful and captivating Kritachitra.
**19.** Driven by curiosity, King Shrenik, with utmost respect, asked Gautama Swami, "O great sage, why did the Asura king give the rare Shula Ratna to Madhu?"
**20.** Upon hearing this, Gautama Swami, blessed with immense power and devotion to Dharma, explained the reason for the Shula Ratna's acquisition.
**21.** He said, "In the city of Shatadvara, located in the Airavata region of the Dhataki island, there lived two friends bound by a bond of love."
**22.** "One was named Sumitra, and the other, Prabhava. Both were highly learned, having studied under the same teacher."
**23.** "Due to the influence of his past virtuous deeds, Sumitra gained a kingdom served by all his vassals and enjoyed the highest prosperity."
**24.** "Although Prabhava, due to the effects of his past misdeeds, was born into a poor family, Sumitra, out of great affection, made him a king as well."
**25.** "One day, a wicked horse carried Sumitra away to the forest. There, he was seen by a savage, wild Mlechchha king named Dvirada-damshthra."
**26.** "The Mlechchha king brought Sumitra to his city and, at an opportune moment, forced him to marry his daughter."
**27.** "The lost hand returns to the owner."