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The Eleventh Chapter
Narada saw the king being attacked by many cruel men, like a snake being killed by many wasps. 261-262
I was powerless and seeing the king there, I was terrified, so I came running to tell you this terrible news. 263
Hearing this news, Ravana was filled with anger and, mounting his swift chariot, he was eager to go to the sacrificial ground. 264
Those who were as swift as the wind, who had drawn their naked swords from their sheaths, and who were adorned with the sound of "su-su", were already on their way. 265
In the blink of an eye, they reached the sacrificial ground. There, those merciful men, with a mere glance, freed Narada from the cage of his enemies. 266
The cruel men who were protecting the herd of animals, were freed by them with a mere gesture of their eyes. 267
The sacrificial posts were broken, the Brahmanas were beaten, and the animals were released from their bonds. All this caused a great uproar. 268
Those who chanted "Abrahmanyam, Abrahmanyam" were beaten one by one until they fell to the ground, their bodies lifeless. 269
Ravana's warriors asked the Brahmanas, "Just as you find sorrow unpleasant and happiness pleasant, so too do these animals." 270
Just as all beings in the three worlds cherish their lives, so too should you understand the nature of all creatures. 271
The beating you have received has caused you this painful state. What then must be the condition of the animals who have been killed with weapons? 272
O wicked men! You have now received the fruits of your sins. Bear it, so that you will not do such things again. 273
Even if Indra himself were to come here with the gods, he would not be able to protect you while our master is angry. 274
Those who were on elephants, horses, chariots, in the sky, and on the ground, were all killing the Brahmanas with their weapons. 275
1. Seeing the king. 2. The sacrificial ground. 3. With swords drawn from their sheaths. 4. ... shining. 5. Freeing. 6. Merciful. 7. The herd of animals was protected for slaughter. 8. They were freed by them. 9. Uproar. 10. Brahmanas. 11. They said. 12. Your. 13. Pleasant. 14. Your. 15. The nature and order of creatures.