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## The Eighth Chapter
A creation, unprecedented, devoid of any flaws, was brought forth by Karma, as if gathering all the beauty of the world. ||68||
She, like a radiant light, had come to earth, abandoning the Moon, fearing the touch of the Sun's rays and the fear of Rahu's attack. ||69||
The cluster of gems adorning her forehead served as a veil for her face, and the necklace she wore was like a bridge over the stream of her facial beauty. ||70||
She wore earrings adorned with pearls, which seemed like a garland of white sandalwood. ||71||
Her hips, unable to bear the agitation caused by the pride of Kama, were adorned with a girdle studded with gems. ||72||
Seeing her, so beautiful, Dashaanan was filled with sorrow and thought, "Even those with fortitude are often subdued by worldly desires." ||73||
His gaze, falling upon her, filled with sweetness, became intoxicated, as if drunk with honey, even when withdrawn. ||74||
He wondered, "Who is this supreme woman? Is she Hri, Sri, Lakshmi, Dhriti, Kirti, or Saraswati?" ||75||
"Is she married or unmarried? Or is this some illusion created by someone? Oh, this is the most excellent creation, the crown jewel of all women!" ||76||
"If I could obtain this woman, who steals the senses, my birth would be fulfilled. Otherwise, it is as worthless as a blade of grass." ||77||
Thinking thus, May, the knower of intentions, brought his daughter Mandodari before Dashaanan and said, "She is yours." ||78||
Dashaanan, drenched by these words, as if by nectar, felt a surge of joy, his body tingling with delight. ||79||
Then, in a moment, all things came together, and the wedding ceremony of these two, filled with the joy of their families, was completed. ||80||
Then, Dashaanan, his purpose fulfilled, went to his city, Swayamprabha, with Mandodari, believing he had obtained the fortune that resided in all the worlds. ||81||
Karma, the creator, had gathered all the beauty of the world and, under the guise of a woman, had created this unprecedented creation. ||68||