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### Fourth Chapter
Chaturtha Parva
The house was entered by that one marked with the beautiful golden thread, adorned with countless gems. Those afflicted with delusion and desire, agitated by contemplation, were speaking pitiable words and were plunged into the ocean of suffering.
Then, as desired, the king Bharat gave donations to those Śrāvakas. In the hearts of those who received the honor, a sense of ego arose, and they began to think, "We are indeed great purifiers and the benefactors of the world; that is why the king of kings Bharat worships us with great reverence."
Consequently, filled with this pride, they spread across the entire surface of the earth and began to beg when they saw some wealthy individuals. Later, on a certain day, the minister Matismudra said to king Bharat, "Today I have heard the following words in the assembly of the Lord."
It was said that what Bharat had created for these Brāhmaṇas would become hypocritical and very audacious in the impending age of Kali following the rise of the flourishing Tīrthankara.
Those deluded by the essence of Dharma would kill living beings, filled with great passion and ever eager to commit sins. They would proclaim the false scriptures, the Vedas, as devoid of their creators, misleading all beings.
Engaged in great endeavours, they would accept donations and would always slander the teachings of Lord Jinendra.
Seeing the naked Munis ahead, the sinners would become filled with anger and would be like the seedlings of a poisonous tree, harmful to the world, constantly producing misfortune.
Hearing the words of Minister Matismudra, Bharat, angered, prepared to kill all those Brāhmaṇas. Subsequently, they, frightened, sought refuge with Lord Ṛṣabhadeva.
Lord Ṛṣabhadeva, saying, "O son! Do not harm them (ma hananam kār̥ṣīḥ)," protected them, and henceforth they became known by the title 'Māhana.'
Since these Brāhmaṇas, who had taken refuge in Lord Jinendra, were protected by him, the gods and the wise revered the Lord.