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Then, Nabhinandan, whose heart was filled with compassion, ruled over his subjects, who, with folded hands, had fallen at his feet. ||254|| He taught his people hundreds of crafts, the planning of cities, the establishment of villages and settlements, and the construction of houses and other buildings. ||255|| Those men whom he appointed to protect the land were known in the world as Kshatriyas, because of their virtues. ||256|| Those who were engaged in trade, agriculture, cattle-raising, and other occupations were known in the world as Vaishyas. ||257|| Those who were engaged in low-caste work and who were far from the scriptures were called Shudras. They had many divisions, such as servants, slaves, etc. ||258|| This era, which brought happiness to all, was established by Lord Rishabhadeva. It was an era of prosperity, and so the people called it the Krita Yuga. ||259|| Lord Rishabhadeva had two wives, Sunanda and Nanda. From them were born his mighty sons, Bharat and others. ||260|| His hundred sons were all beautiful in their virtues and relationships. They adorned the earth, which was constantly filled with festivals. ||261|| As the Lord of the world, Nabhinandan, enjoyed his unparalleled wealth, a great deal of time passed. ||262|| Then, one day, while the celestial maiden, Neelanjana, was dancing, a thought arose in his mind, which was the cause of his detachment. ||263|| He thought, "Alas! These people of the world are striving to please others, and they are getting nothing but ridicule in return. Their actions are like the antics of madmen, and they are only causing themselves pain." ||264|| "What a strange world this is! Some are forced to become servants, while others, with arrogant words, give orders to them." ||265|| "Curse this world, where deluded beings create only suffering, and mistake it for happiness!" ||266|| "Therefore, I will abandon this perishable and artificial happiness, and strive to attain the happiness of the Siddhas." ||267|| As these thoughts were passing through his mind, the celestial beings came to him and spoke. ||268||