Ye folks, behold her body for a moment. The source of mundane joys, her body used to be clasped, kissed and enjoyed by men thrilled with passion. But it is now reduced to such a plight. The skin is torn to shreds, the flesh is falling off, and the network of veins is loosening. The strength of the joints is gone, the bones are crumbling to pieces, and the sinews are putrescent (1. 121-122).
With the above pictures may be compared that of Amrtamati, stricken with a fell disease after her crime. Somadeva depicts the gruesome to excite our pity.
भलिकुलमिदं लूतातन्तुप्रतानविधूसरं मनसिजधनुर्जातं जीर्यत्तनुस्थिति पिजनम् ।
कुवलयवनं धत्ते दैन्यं दवाग्निसमाश्रयं धुणदरभरभ्रस्यत्स्तम्भप्रभावमभूद्वपुः ॥ The hair, once dark as a swarm of bees, has turned grey as the threads of & cobweb. The eyebrows, once like Cupid's bow, resemble a dilapidated bow for cleansing cotton. The eyes, once blue lotus blossoms, look miserable, as if within grasp of a forest fire; and the body resembles a worm-eaten pillar, about to crumble' (Book V, p. 223).
IV. OTHER DESCRIPTIONS Somadeva's power of portraying the terrible is illustrated in the picture of Caņdamārī, which looms large in the opening chapter of the work. Sound echoes the sense in the powerful description of the goddess in 1. 137.
JOHITTATIFZ72182faxafectat sahi yasamaTUZITEGIFFITI
दैत्यध्वंसप्रमोदो रविधुतकराभोगखर्वगिरीणि स्फाराघातानिपातोच्छलदुदधिजलान्युद्धतोद्वेलितानि ॥ The impetuous movements of the goddess are such that the waters of the ocean are splashed by the heavy impact of her feet; and the moon ( on her forehead) is terrified by the horrid mass of her matted hair, entwined with madly excited serpents; while the bells of her club ring out as the human skulls, swaying at her side, move to and fro; and the mountains are laid low by her massive hands as she vehemently waves them in an outburst of joy at the destruction of the demons.
Among other descriptions may be mentioned those of the city of Ujjayini (2. 14-29) and of king Yaśorgha (2. 31-53). There is a good description of child life in 2. 82-90, which testifies to Somadeva's accurate observation and love of children, and is all the more interesting, as such descriptions are by no means common in Kāvga literature.
अम्बां तात इति ब्रवीति पितरं चाम्बेति संभाषते धात्रीपूर्वनिवेदितानि च पदान्योक्तितो जल्पति । शिक्षालापविधौ प्रकुप्यति तो नास्ते स्थिरोऽयं वचिद् व्याहूतो न शृणोति धावति पुनः प्रत्युत्थितः सत्वरम् ॥
1 Lit.: pillar crumbling owing to the accumulation of worn-holes,
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