ipw). These are marked stor (*) in pw, as being not our words in that
Tus is restricted to three classes of words :
1. Words which are not given at all in the minor St. Petersburg Lexicon (=pw). These are marked by me with a dagger (+).
2. Words marked with a star (*) in pw, as being not quotable; or words used in a certain meaning (marked with a star), for which words in that meaning no occurrence was quotable. These words or these meanings are marked by me with a star.
3. Words which are given in pw as imas eipnuéva, or as rare words. Some grammatical irregularities have been added. 31977, law, 125, 23.
37fHug, see iftafak. *अगरु, same as अगुरु, Amyris Agallo- | 37791, +friendly reception, shelcha, 46, 5.
ter, 164, 6. 31977, n. of a tree, 81, 3 (cp. Jātaka I, Brasiga, incorrect passive for active 331, 20).
voice, 205, 24. trashetari, see them.
| tornaafa, an aśoka-roll, a kind of targata:, 285, 21 not bathed ? #319
sweetmeats, 81, 14. pw has ' *3741Grau:, 286, 5 without having
qaraiat f. ein best. Gericht Gal.' bathed my feet ? IIermann Jacobi
Schiefner, Mélanges asiatiques tirés says that in Marathi both GYTT and
du Bull, de l'Ac. Imp. des Sciences GUTU mean spring tide, and the
de St-Pétersbourg, tome vii, p. 720, extraordinary flow at the equi
last line, mentions & sweetmeat noxes; for 351, pw, Nachtrag 5,
Kummerloswender', giving the gives from Hemacandra's Parisista
Tibetan equivalent in the footnote. parvan I, 223 the signification ‘über.
This would point to a Sanskrit word gehend vor Freude (Augen).
अशोकवर्तिन. But as sweetmeats in STUCIT, side-door, 210, 22.
India are often put in the form of a 31497a, see tattuta.
वर्ति, I suppose that वर्तिन is a blunder
But Jacobi thinks it impossible to separato our anuddhinapäda from Guzerati udhānapāyā, unsteady, eccentric, odd (Parisistap. I, 223 he translates uddhānalocana with verwirrten Blickes). Moreover, ho calls my attention to the popular belief prevailing among the Hindus, that bhūtas and räksasas have their foot turned backwards (cp. o. g. Crooke, Pop. Rel., p. 149; Mary Frere, old Deccan Days, p. xv). But I can see no good sense in our passage with this explanation.
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