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"We are those who are born, exist, and perish, and are united with the characteristics of the soul. They are the beings who are truly righteous, or they are those who are united with the characteristics of the soul."
Now, in the light of this verse, see these sutras from the Tattvarthasutra:
Sad dravyalakshanam || 5, 29 || Utpadavyaya shrivyayuktam sat || 5, 30 || Gunaparyayavad dravyam || 5, 30 ||
There are many such sayings in which the use of words like "nathaya" has been made in the sayings of Acharya Kundakunda and in the Tattvarthasutra.
Apart from this, there is also a verbal and objective similarity in the principles, which proves that its author belongs to the Digambara tradition.
The question of the time of Acharya Guddhapichcha, who is known by the same name as time, is also very much worth considering. Generally, the mention of days sheds direct light on their time. There are two such mentions before us. First, the mention of the Nandisangh's lineage, and second, the mention of their time quoted in the Vajan Bodhak. 1. The Nandisangh's lineage begins with the coronation of Vikrama, and it is quoted in the form in which it is quoted in Jain Siddhanta Bhaskar Kiran, 4, p. 78, based on Indian Antiquary, its initial part is as follows:
"Bhadrabahu II (4) 2 Guptigupta (26) 3 Mamnandi (36) 4 Jinachand (40) 5 Kundakunda Acharya (49) 6 Umaswami (101) 7 Lohacharya (142) 8 Yash: Kirti (153) 9 Yashonandi (211) 10 Devanandi (258) 11 Jayanandi (308) 12 Gunanandi (358) 13 Vajranandi (364) 14 Kumaranandi (386) 15 Lokachand (427) 16 Prabhachandra (453) 17 Nemichandra (478) 18 Bhanunandi (487) 19 Hinndi (508) 20 Shri Vasunandi (525) 21 Viranandi (531) 22 Ratnanandi (561) 23 Manikyanandi (585) 24 Meghchandra (601) 25 Shantikirti (627) 26 Merukiti (642)."
Guptigupta is the second name of Aham Balika. He was the first Pattadhar Acharya of the Nandisangh, which he established along with other sanghs. According to this, Umaswami (Guddhapichcha) is the fourth Acharya to sit on the throne of the Nandisangh. Although they are mentioned at number 6 in the lineage, the count of the Acharyas of the Nandisangh should be done only after excluding Bhadrabahu II and Adbalika. Therefore, we have mentioned the number of Umaswami (Pichcha) as 4. According to this lineage, he lived in 571 VE.
2. This verse is quoted in the Vidvajjan Bodhak:
"Varshasaptashatechaiva saptatyacha vismritau | Umaswamimunirmaatah Kundakundastatheva cha ||"
This means that Umaswami Muni lived in 770 VE, and at the same time, Acharya Kundakunda
Now let us see other evidence.
1. In the Shrutavatar of Indranandi, the lineage of the Shruta Dhar Acharyas for the first 683 years is given. And after this, the names of Vinamdhara Shridatta and Arhat, who were one-part holders of Angapurva, are mentioned, and the establishment of the Nandisangh and other sanghs is mentioned.
1. See Tattvarthasutra, A. 9, S. 9 || 2. Shubhachandra, the author of the Pandavapurana, has given his lineage. In it too, this order is accepted up to 10 Acharyas. And even further, except for one or two names, there is similarity in the names of the Acharyas. They declare themselves to be of the Nandisangh. See Janasiddhanta Bhaskar, Part 1, Kiran 4, p. 51.