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Appendix 2
6. 37
The number of 23.5 samyag-dṛṣṭi (right belief) without contradiction. Samyag-mithyā-dṛṣṭi (mixed right and wrong belief) is (29699103). It is said that pure knowledge (kevala-jñāna) is not possible. Its three types of mixed knowledge - 'The six senses, nine births, and five negligences (pramattā) occur.' Due to the threefold basis. And it is said, 'The vigilant (apramatta) and the restrained (saṃyata) are innumerable, that is, the restrained with negligence are half of them-two crore ninety-nine lakh ninety-three thousand.' In the description of its ignorance, it should be seen that the number is one hundred and three. It is also said - due to the absence of the object of knowledge as it really is in the case of the restrained with negligence.
59398206 are the restrained with negligence and the vigilant are half of them.] [In the case of samyag-mithyā-dṛṣṭi, neither pure knowledge nor pure ignorance occurs, but in each of the eight upasama-gaṇas (stages of subsidence of passions), in each of the eight moments, there are three types of mixed knowledge. It is also said - 'Know the number sixteen, twenty-four, thirty, thirty-six, forty-two, forty-eight, fifty-four, fifty-four. The mixed stages are eight, four, two, and one.' The omniscient author, while speaking of knowledge, has not mentioned its number, considering the highest number, but in the description of its ignorance, one should see its number, because the samyag-mithyā-dṛṣṭi does not know the object as it really is.]
'Know the sixteen, twenty-four, thirty, thirty-six, forty-two, forty-eight, fifty-four, fifty-four.
The restrained and the unrestrained, the four upasama-gaṇas (stages of subsidence of passions).' 8.45
The number, with respect to the entry of one, two, or three, and the highest of four or five, is to be understood by the commentators as limited to a part of a palyopama (an immeasurably large number) with reference to the entry into the eighth moment. The previous is according to the words. It is stated in its own time. The numbers that have arisen in their own time are not much different from each other in terms of quantity. There, in one or the other stage, they are of the measure of two hundred.
The second is much more than the first. The third is much more than the second, as stated. The restrained and the unrestrained are everywhere few. The restrained with negligence are ninety-nine thousand two hundred and eight.
Koti-pṛthaktva (multiplicity of millions) number: Koti-pañcaka-tri-navati-lakṣa-aṣṭa (five million, ninety-three lakh, eight).
They are of the measure of ninety-two thousand two hundred.
The four upasama-gaṇas (stages of subsidence of passions) are one each in the stages.
Out of the eight moments, in one moment each, they are 16, [The numbers mentioned further are - in the case of sāsādana-samyag-dṛṣṭi (right belief attained through spiritual effort), they are 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 54. Taking eight moments up to the restrained and the unrestrained, the number of each is the infinitesimal part of the palyopama of the four stages. This number contains only the numbers 16, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 54. The similarity is in the words, not in the meaning, because there is an increase or decrease in the specific numbers in the initial moments. The sixteen highest numbers up to the sāsādana-samyag-dṛṣṭi should be known, but the number of those with mixed stages is more. It is said - 'The number of upasama-gaṇas is sixteen, and the number of those with mixed right belief is much more. Twenty-four, thirty, thirty-six, forty-two, forty-eight, fifty-four, the restrained and the unrestrained are the least. Know the number of the restrained with negligence and fifty-four.']
The fifty-four that the Sarva-ārthasiddhi-kāra (the omniscient author) has mentioned is the highest number of the apramatta-saṃyatas (the vigilant restrained). Half of that is a koti (ten million).
The entry into the eighth moment is mentioned. In its own time.