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## 392]
[The highest state of Kshayika Samyaktvam in the worldly realm is thirty-three Shankas. When added to the human lifespan, it results in sixty-six Sagaras, and eight years less than two Purvakoti Sagaras. Does this mean that the lifespan of a human is greater than two Purvakoti Sagaras?**
**Answer:** Such a doubt should not be entertained. Because one Sagar is said to be equal to the lifespan of ten Kodakodi Palya. The lifespan of the heavens is measured in Sagaras, and the worldly characteristics are shed at the end of the last Sagar. This is explained as follows:
A being born in the realm of karma, with a lifespan of 31 Purvakoti years, after being born in the womb, attains Kshayika Samyakdrishti after eight years, and after that, the destruction of Darshanamoha takes place in the last Muhurta. Thus, he attains Sarvarthasiddhi through the practice of Tapas.
There are numerous differences in Samyakdarshan, in terms of words. According to the calculation of years, seventy lakh fifty-six thousand crore years constitute one Purva. Thus, there are countless and infinite variations of Samyakdarshan.
There are countless and infinite differences in the Samyakdarshan of those who have faith and those who are worthy of faith, because the tendencies of those who have faith are countless and infinite. There are also countless and infinite differences in those who are worthy of faith, because Samyakdarshan is the subject of faith.
**Therefore, there are countless and infinite differences in Samyakdarshan.**
**20.7** The Vedaka has sixty-six Sagaras. This is how:
In the Saudharma, Shukra, and Satara heavens, the lifespan is two, sixteen, eighteen, and thirty Sagaras respectively. Or, in the Saudharma heaven, if a being is born twice, the lifespan is four Sagaras. In the Sanatkumar, Brahma, Lantava, and Uparimauveyak heavens, the lifespan is seven, ten, fourteen, and thirty-one Sagaras respectively.
**22.3** The lifespan of a human being is greater than the lifespan of these heavens. This is not a cause for doubt. The lifespan of the last Sagar is the remaining lifespan after the human lifespan has passed. This is accepted.
**8.35** The highest state of Kshayika Samyaktvam, the Vedaka, is sixty-six Sagaras. This is how:
In the Saudharma heaven, the lifespan is two Sagaras. In the Shukra heaven, the lifespan is sixteen Sagaras. In the Satara heaven, the lifespan is eighteen Sagaras. In the Uparimauveyak heaven, the lifespan is thirty Sagaras. The total of these is sixty-six Sagaras.
Or, in the Saudharma heaven, if a being is born twice, the lifespan is four Sagaras. In the Sanatkumar heaven, the lifespan is seven Sagaras. In the Brahma heaven, the lifespan is ten Sagaras. In the Lantava heaven, the lifespan is fourteen Sagaras. In the Uparimauveyak heaven, the lifespan is thirty-one Sagaras. The total of these is also sixty-six Sagaras.
**23.1** How is it possible that a single Anivriti Gunasthan can have both Vedatva and Avedatva?
**Answer:** Anivriti Gunasthan is divided into six parts. In the first three parts, the Vedas remain, hence Vedatva. In the remaining parts, the Vedas are lost, hence Avedatva.