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## Chapter Nine
**The practice of austerities is described here. It is of two types: external and internal. Each of these is further divided into six types. The text first explains the external austerities.**
**External austerities are of six types:**
1. **Anashan (fasting):** This is done without expecting any visible results, for the sake of attaining self-control, eliminating attachment, destroying karma, and achieving meditation and knowledge.
2. **Avamoudarya (simple living):** This is done to maintain self-control, subdue negative tendencies, cultivate contentment, and achieve the effortless practice of self-study and other virtues.
3. **Vrittiparisankhyan (limiting activities):** This involves limiting one's thoughts and activities to essential needs, especially for a mendicant, to avoid unnecessary mental distractions and anxieties.
4. **Rasaparitvag (renunciation of rich foods):** This is done to overcome pride in the senses, conquer sleep, and achieve the effortless practice of self-study and other virtues.
5. **Vivikta-shayyasan (solitary dwelling):** This involves choosing a secluded place free from disturbances, for the sake of practicing self-control, celibacy, self-study, meditation, and other virtues.
6. **Kayaklesha (physical austerities):** This includes practices like sunbathing, dwelling under trees, sleeping without a bed, and engaging in various forms of physical hardship. These are done to cultivate endurance, overcome attachment to pleasure, and enhance the effectiveness of teachings and spiritual practices.
**What is the difference between Pariksha (endurance) and Kayaklesha (physical austerities)?**
Pariksha is endurance that arises spontaneously, while Kayaklesha is self-inflicted physical hardship.
**Why are these austerities considered external?**
They are considered external because they depend on external objects and are visible to others.
**The text now explains the internal austerities.**