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- Chapter 9
[335 5831. The term 'tṛṇa' (grass) is used to denote any cause of pain that is inflicted by a weapon. Therefore, when one experiences pain in the feet due to dry grass, rough gravel, thorns, sharp earth, or a splinter, and one's mind is not attached to it, and one constantly avoids harming living beings in one's actions, speech, and posture, then one should know that this is victory over the suffering caused by the contact with grass, etc.
6832. For one who has taken the vow of non-bathing until death, in order to avoid harming non-human beings, even when one experiences itching due to the accumulation of dust brought by the wind, which is caused by the heat of the sun's rays, and which has arisen from boils, scabies, and ringworm, and even when one is free from scratching, rubbing, and other actions that alleviate itching, one whose mind is focused on the accumulation of one's own impurities and the removal of impurities through the cleansing of pure water, which is the essence of right knowledge and conduct, and who is constantly striving to eliminate the impurities of karma, is said to be enduring the suffering of impurities.
6833. Respect means worship and praise. Reward means to do something in advance, such as initiating an action or inviting someone. In this regard, he is showing me disrespect. Although I have practiced celibacy for a long time, I am a great ascetic, I know the difference between my time and others' time, and I have defeated many opponents, yet no one shows me respect, devotion, or offers me a seat with enthusiasm. It is only those with false views who are extremely devoted, who, even though they do not know anything, consider everyone to be omniscient, and who honor them by influencing their time. The Vyantaras, etc., used to perform elaborate rituals for those who practiced very severe austerities. If this is not a false tradition, then why don't they do the same for those like us now? This is known as victory over the suffering of disrespect and reward, which is the result of a mind devoid of right intention.
6834. I am proficient in the Anga, Purva, and Prakirnaka scriptures, and I am skilled in grammar, logic, and spirituality. 1. -vyathan Mu.। 2. svēdāttapava- Mu.। 3. -lopacayagata Mu.। 4. saṁjñāna- Mu.। 5. pankajālanirā- Mu.। 6. -syāyate । keśaluñcasamskārābhyāmutpannakhedasahana malasāmānyasahane'ntarbhavatiti na pṛthagu ktam । satkāra:- Mu.। 7.-daro'pi kri- Mu.। 8. svaśāsana prabhā- tā.। 9. jayaḥ pratijñā- Mu.।