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## 336] Sarvarthasiddhi
[919 8 835] It should be understood that the elimination of the pride of knowledge is the victory over the Pariṣaha of wisdom, just as the light of a firefly does not shine in the presence of the sun's rays.
[8835] One should understand the victory over the Pariṣaha of ignorance as the one who does not think, "I am ignorant, I am like an animal," even though he endures the scornful words of others, has practiced the most difficult austerities, and has a mind that is always alert.
[8836] One whose heart is purified by the feeling of supreme detachment, who knows the true nature of all things, who is a devotee of the Arhat, Ayatana, Sadhu, and Dharma, and who has been a renunciant for a long time, still does not experience the transcendence of knowledge. The claim that special powers have arisen for those who practice great fasts and other austerities is mere talk, this renunciation is meaningless, the observance of vows is futile, etc. - one should understand the endurance of the Pariṣaha of non-perception as the result of the purification of vision, not considering these things in the mind.
[6837] Thus, for one who endures the Pariṣaha that arise without any intention, and whose mind is free from defilements, there is great restraint due to the cessation of the flow of the karmic currents of attachment, aversion, etc.
[6838] It is asked, "Do all these Pariṣaha arise for those who are striving to cross the great forest of Samsara, or are there any special ones?" It is said here that these Pariṣaha, such as hunger, etc., which have been described, are to be experienced in relation to different types of conduct. However, in these two, one should understand the following rules:
1. -Dhavakṣepa Mu. -Dyavikṣepa - Di. 1,2.
2. Me'dyatvepi Vijña - Mu. 3. -Ṣahan Saha - Mu.