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## Chapter Seven
**Action:** To go to another man's house is called *itvari*. *Itvari* is a woman who is inclined to go to another man's house. *Itvarika* is a woman who is extremely inclined to go to another man's house. Here, the suffix 'ka' is added to *itvari* in a derogatory sense. A woman who has one husband is called *parigrihita*. A woman who is a prostitute or an adulteress and goes to other men's houses and has no husband is called *apariagrihita*. The going of a *parigrihita* *itvari* is called *itvarika parigrihita gaman*, and the going of an *apariagrihita* *itvari* is called *itvarika aparigrihita gaman*. Here, the word *anga* means procreation and womb. And, playing outside of these is called *ananga krid*. The increased outcome of desire is called *kamativra abhinivesha*. These are the five transgressions of the *svadara santosha* anuvrata.
**Field, house, gold, gold, wealth, grain, maidservant, servant, and fragrant substances:** The transgression of the measure of field and house, the transgression of the measure of gold and gold, the transgression of the measure of wealth and grain, the transgression of the measure of maidservant and servant, and the transgression of the measure of fragrant substances are the five transgressions of the *parigraha parimana* anuvrata. ||29||
$715$. The land that produces grain is called *kshetra*. A house is called *vastu*. *Hiranya* is the system of transactions involving silver, etc. *Suvarna* is understood. Cows, etc. are taken from *dhan*. Rice, etc. are taken from *dhana*. Servant women and men together are called *dasidas*. Silk, cotton, and *kosa* cloth, and sandalwood, etc. are called *kupya*. *Kshetra* and *vastu* are *kshetravastu*, *hiranya* and *suvarna* are *hiranyasuvarna*, *dhan* and *dhana* are *dhanadhana*, *das* and *das* are *dasidas*, and *kshetra*, *vastu*, *hiranyasuvarna*, *dhanadhana*, *dasidas*, and *kupya* are *kshetravastuhiranyasuvarnadhanadhanadasidasakupya*. Having decided that my possessions are only this much and no more, to increase the measure of *kshetravastu*, etc. out of greed is called *pramanatikram*. Thus, these are the five transgressions of the *parigraha parimana* anuvrata.
$716$. The transgressions of the vows have been stated. Now, the transgressions of the conduct will be stated. They are as follows: