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## Chapter Seven
**Giving aid to violence or violence itself is violence. Listening to, teaching, or engaging in evil stories that promote violence, anger, and other negative emotions is considered an evil sound. The term "same" (sameeka) refers to unity. For example, when we say "ghee is good, oil is good," we understand that "good" means unified. "Samaya" is the time of unity, and "Samayika" is the same as "Samaya." Alternatively, "Samayika" is the purpose of unity. **
**One should understand that a person who is in "Samayika" for a certain period of time in a certain place is a "Mahavrat" (one who has taken the five great vows) just like before. Why? Because they have renounced all forms of violence, both subtle and gross. **
**Question:** If this is the case, then does a person in "Samayika" experience complete restraint?
**Answer:** No, because the karmas that destroy restraint arise.
**Question:** Then does this person lack the "Mahavrat"?
**Answer:** No, because it is understood through analogy, just like how "Chaitra" is considered ubiquitous in a royal family.
**"Proshadha" refers to a festival. Fasting means abstaining from the objects of the five senses, such as sound, etc., and dwelling in the festival. In other words, fasting means abstaining from four types of food. Fasting during the "Proshadha" festival is called "Proshadhopavas."**
**A "Shravak" (lay follower) who is observing "Proshadhopavas" should abstain from bathing, perfumes, garlands, and ornaments due to the purification of their body. They should reside in a sacred place, a place of residence for the virtuous, a "Chaityalaya" (temple), or their designated "Proshadhopavas" house. They should engage their mind in listening to, reciting, and contemplating religious teachings. They should remain in a state of fasting and refrain from all beginnings. **
**Food, drink, perfumes, and garlands are considered "Upbhog" (consumption). Clothing, coverings, ornaments, beds, seats, houses, vehicles, and other things are considered "Paribhog" (enjoyment). The quantity of these two is called "Upbhog Paribhog Parimaan."**
**Honey, meat, and alcohol should always be avoided. One should always be mindful of the three poisons. **
**Flowers like "Ketaki" and "Arjuna," roots like "Shrungvera," and other things that are the dwelling places of countless living beings and are worthy of being called "ananta-kaya" (infinite bodies) should be avoided because they are harmful and yield little benefit. **