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-7121 $ 702] Chapter Seven
[277] It is explained.
8700. Here it is said, "Is one who has renounced one of the five great vows, an Agari?" No. What then? It is said that one who has renounced all five vows with a vow of restraint is called an Agari.
An Agari is one who has taken the Anuvratas. ||20||
8701. The word 'Anu' means 'small'. One who has small vows is called an Agari. How are his vows small? Because it is not possible for him to renounce all the five great vows completely. From what is he renounced? He is renounced from harming living beings, therefore his first Anuvrata is Ahimsa. Due to attachment and delusion, he renounces false speech because it can lead to the destruction of his home and village, therefore his second Anuvrata is Satya. A Shravak renounces taking what is not given because it is harmful to others and due to fear of the king, etc., but he still has a desire for it, therefore his third Anuvrata is Asteya. He renounces sexual intercourse with another's wife, whether she is accepted or not, therefore his fourth Anuvrata is Brahmacharya. He limits his possessions of wealth, grain, land, etc., according to his needs, therefore his fifth Anuvrata is Aparigraha.
$702. It is said, "Does an Agari who has not renounced his home have only these characteristics, or are there any others?" It is said that he is also endowed with the vows of Digvirati, Deshvirati, Anarthadandavirati, Samayikavat, Proshadhopavasavat, Upbhogparibhogparimanat, and Atithisambhagavat. ||21|| 1, -karparthiv Mu.