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-613 § 615
What is the characteristic of *āsrava*? It is the *yoga* spoken of in relation to the *samsāri* (transmigrating) being, that is *āsrava*. ||2||
Chapter Six
8612. Just as the door of a reservoir is called *āsrava* because it is the cause of the water flowing in, so *yoga*, being the channel through which *karma* flows into the soul, is called *yoga āsrava*.
8613. It is said that *karma* is of two kinds: *puṇya* (meritorious) and *pāpa* (demeritorious). Is *yoga* the cause of *āsrava* in general, or is there some specific characteristic? To explain this, the next *sūtra* says:
*śubha yoga* is the *āsrava* of *puṇya*, and *aśubha yoga* is the *āsrava* of *pāpa*. ||3||
8614. Question: What is *śubha yoga* and what is *aśubha yoga*? Answer: Violence, stealing, and sexual misconduct, etc., are *aśubha kāya yoga* (demeritorious bodily *yoga*). False speech, harsh speech, and uncultured speech, etc., are *aśubha vāc yoga* (demeritorious verbal *yoga*). Thoughts of killing, envy, and jealousy, etc., are *aśubha mano yoga* (demeritorious mental *yoga*). The opposite of these are *śubha kāya yoga*, *śubha vāc yoga*, and *śubha mano yoga* (meritorious bodily, verbal, and mental *yoga*). Question: What is the reason for the distinction between *śubha* and *aśubha yoga*? Answer: *Yoga* that leads to meritorious results is *śubha yoga*, and *yoga* that leads to demeritorious results is *aśubha yoga*. It is not that *śubha* and *aśubha yoga* are caused by *śubha* and *aśubha karma*. If this were the case, then there would be no such thing as *śubha yoga*, because *śubha yoga* is also considered to be the cause of the bondage of *karma* such as *jñāna āvaraṇa* (veil of knowledge). Therefore, the definition of *śubha* and *aśubha yoga* given here is correct. That which purifies the soul, or by which the soul is purified, is *puṇya*, such as *sātavedanīya* (that which is experienced in the next life). And that which protects the soul from *śubha* (meritorious) is *pāpa*, such as *asātavedanīya* (that which is not experienced in the next life).
8615. Does this *āsrava* produce the same results for all transmigrating beings, or is there some 1. *āsravaṇahetu* - *mu.* (mouth), *tā.* (tongue), *nā.* (nose). 2. *pāpam*. *asadve* - *mu.* 3. *samsārisama ā.* (transmigrating beings), *tā.* (tongue), *nā.* *samsārasama* etc. 2.