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## Chapter Five
**Two types of sound:** *praayogika* (experimental) and *vainasika* (natural). *Vaisasika* sound originates from things like bellows, etc. *Praayogika* sound is of four types, based on the differences between *tata*, *vitata*, *ghana*, and *soushira*.
* **Tata** sound originates from things like *pushkara*, *bheri*, and *dardura* made from leather.
* **Vitata** sound originates from things like stringed *veena* and *sughoṣa*.
* **Ghana** sound originates from striking things like *tal*, *ghanta*, and *lalana*.
* **Soushira** sound originates from blowing things like *vamsa*, *shankha*, etc.
**Two types of *bandha* (bond):** *vaisasika* and *praayogika*. *Vaisasika* *bandha* does not require human intervention. For example, the *bandha* that is the subject of lightning, meteor, cloud, fire, and rainbow, which arises from the qualities of *snigdha* (unctuous) and *ruksha* (dry), is *vaisasika*. *Praayogika* *bandha* arises from human intervention. It is of two types: *ajiva* (non-living) related and *jiva-ajiva* (living-non-living) related. *Praayogika* *bandha* related to *ajiva* is exemplified by things like *jatuka* (lac) and *astha* (wood). *Praayogika* *bandha* related to *jiva-ajiva* is the *bandha* of *karma* (action) and *no-karma* with living beings.
**Two types of *saukshyam* (subtlety):** *antya* (ultimate) and *apekshika* (relative). *Antya* subtlety is found in *paramanu* (atoms). *Apekshika* subtlety is found in things like *vilva* (wood apple), *amalaka* (gooseberry), and *badara* (jujube).
**Two types of *sthaulya* (grossness):** *antya* and *apekshika*. *Antya* grossness is found in the *maha-skandha* (great body) that pervades the universe. *Apekshika* grossness is found in things like *badara*, *amalaka*, *vilva*, and *tala* (palm tree).
***Sansthana* (form) is the same as *aakriti* (shape).** It is of two types: *ittham-lakshana* (described) and *anittham-lakshana* (undescribed). *Ittham-lakshana* *sansthana* is that which can be described as "this form is like this". Examples include *vrutta* (circle), *trikona* (triangle), *chatur-asra* (quadrilateral), *ayata* (rectangle), and *parimandala* (circumference). *Anittham-lakshana* *sansthana* is that which cannot be described as "this form is like this". Examples include the various forms of clouds, etc.
**Six types of *bheda* (difference):** *utkara*, *churna*, *khanda*, *churnika*, *pratar*, and *anu-chatan*.
* **Utkara** is the difference created by cutting things like wood with things like hands and blades.
* **Churna** is the difference created by grinding things like barley and wheat into things like *saktu* (flour) and *kanika* (grains).
* **Khanda** is the difference created by breaking things like pots into things like *kapala* (skull) and *shankara* (sugar).
* **Churnika** is the difference created by breaking things like *masa* (lentil) and *mudga* (mung bean).
* **Pratara** is the difference created by the different layers of clouds, etc.
* **Anu-chatan** is the difference created by the sparks that fly out when things like heated iron balls are struck with things like hammers.
***Tamo* (darkness) is the obstruction of vision.**