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## Chapter Five
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**[223]** A substance is generated by increase and decrease. The transformation of a substance in the form of *parispanda* is called *kriya*. It is of two types, based on the difference between *prayogika* and *vaisrashika*. *Prayogika* is the action of a cart, etc., while *vaisrashika* is the action of a cloud, etc.
There are two types of *paratva* and *apatva*: *kshetrakrta* and *kalakrta*. The present chapter deals with *kalakrta* *paratva* and *apatva*, as it is a topic of *kalopkaraprakarana*. All these *vartana* etc. *upkaras* indicate the existence of time.
**Objection:** It is sufficient to accept only the term *vartana* in the sutra. The *parinama* etc. are its differentiations, so their separate acceptance is meaningless.
**Solution:** The separate acceptance of *parinama* etc. is not meaningless, because it is a detailed explanation to indicate two types of time. Time is of two types: *paramarthakala* and *vyavaharakala*. *Paramarthakala* is characterized by *vartana*, while *vyavaharakala* is characterized by *parinama* etc.
The meaning is that a particular *kriya* which is delimited by another and is the cause of delimitation of another, is called time in this way. It exists in three forms: *bhuta*, *vartaman*, and *bhavishyat*. In *paramarthakala*, the term *kala* is primary, while the terms *bhuta* etc. are secondary. In *vyavaharakala*, the terms *bhuta* etc. are primary, while the term *kala* is secondary, because this type of usage is with respect to a substance having *kriya* and is the function of time.
Here, the objector says that the *upkaras* of the substances *dharma*, *adharma*, *akasha*, *pudgala*, *jiva*, and *kala* have been stated. Their *lakshana* has also been stated by the sutra " *upayogo lakshanam* " etc. Similarly, the general *lakshana* of *pudgalas* has also been stated by the sutra " *ajivakaya* " etc., but their specific *lakshana* has not been stated. Therefore, the next sutra says:
**[23]** *Sparsha, rasa, gandha, and varna* are the *pudgalas*.
**[8570]** That which is touched or the mere act of touching is called *sparsha*. It is of eight types: *mridu*, *kathina*, *guru*, *laghu*, *sita*, *ushna*, *snigdha*, and *ruksha*. That which is tasted or the mere act of tasting is called *rasa*. It is of five types: *tikta*, *amla*, *katu*, *madhura*, and *kashaya*.