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## Hell-beings are constantly characterized by the worst karmic tendencies, their consequences, bodies, pain, and transformations. || 3 ||
8371. The karmic tendencies and their consequences have been explained before. The term "worst" indicates that these karmic tendencies are worse than those experienced by beings in the animal realm, and they are progressively worse in each lower realm. The word "constant" refers to the continuous nature of these karmic tendencies. Hell-beings are constantly characterized by the worst karmic tendencies, their consequences, bodies, pain, and transformations. For example, in the first and second realms, the karmic tendency is "pigeon-like" (kapotika). In the third realm, the karmic tendency is "pigeon-like" in the upper part and "blue" (nila) in the lower part. In the fourth realm, the karmic tendency is "blue". In the fifth realm, the karmic tendency is "blue" in the upper part and "black" (krishna) in the lower part. In the sixth realm, the karmic tendency is "black". And in the seventh realm, the karmic tendency is "supremely black" (paramkrishna). These karmic tendencies are called "material" (dravya) and remain constant throughout their lifespan. However, the "mental" (bhaava) karmic tendencies change every moment. The consequences of these karmic tendencies are the five senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound. These consequences are caused by specific karmic fields and are extremely painful, making them the worst. The bodies of hell-beings are extremely deformed and ugly due to the emergence of the "bad name" (ashubha naama) karma. Their bodies are distorted, resembling a "hump" (hunda), and are difficult to look at. Their height in the first realm is seven bows, three hands, and six fingers. In each lower realm, their height doubles. Due to the emergence of the "unbearable" (asataavedaniya) karma within them, hell-beings experience intense pain caused by external factors like heat and cold, which have been present since time immemorial. In the first, second, third, and fourth realms, the hell-beings experience only heat-related pain. In the fifth realm, the upper two hundred thousand hells experience heat-related pain, while the lower one hundred thousand hells experience cold-related pain. In the sixth and seventh realms, the hell-beings experience only cold-related pain. Hell-beings think, "We will do good deeds," but they continue to perform the worst actions. They think, "We will create causes for happiness," but they only create causes for suffering.