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[138] Sarvath Siddhau
[2132 8324] Some are of the *Sheeta Yoni* (cold womb), some are of the *Ushna Yoni* (hot womb). Those born of the *Ushna Yoni* are *Taijaskaayika* (fiery bodied). The others are of the *Trivikalapa Yoni* (three-fold womb). Some are of the *Sheeta Yoni* (cold womb), some are of the *Ushna Yoni* (hot womb), and others are of the *Mitra Yoni* (friendly womb). The *Deva* (celestial beings) and *Naraka* (hellish beings) are of the *Samvrita Yoni* (closed womb) with one sense organ. The *Vikalendriya* (disabled) are of the *Vivrita Yoni* (open womb). The *Garbhaja* (born from the womb) are of the *Mishra Yoni* (mixed womb). There are eighty-four hundred thousand types of these Yonis, as known from the *Agamas* (sacred texts). It is said:
"There are seven hundred thousand *Nitya Nigoda* (eternal beings), seven hundred thousand *Itara Nigoda* (other beings), seven hundred thousand *Prithvi Kayika* (earth-bodied beings), seven hundred thousand *Jal Kayika* (water-bodied beings), seven hundred thousand *Agni Kayika* (fire-bodied beings), seven hundred thousand *Vayu Kayika* (air-bodied beings), ten hundred thousand *Vrikshas* (trees), six hundred thousand *Vikalendriya* (disabled), four hundred thousand *Deva* (celestial beings), four hundred thousand *Naraka* (hellish beings), and fourteen hundred thousand *Tiryancha* (animals) and *Manushya* (humans)."
8325. Thus, in this predicament of nine *Yonis* and three births, which are obtained by all living beings without any control, the following *Sutra* (aphorism) is stated to determine your understanding:
The *Jarayuja* (born from the womb), *Andaja* (born from eggs), and *Pota* (born from the womb) have *Garbha Janma* (birth from the womb). ||33||
8326. The *Jarayu* (womb) is like a net, which is the covering of the living being and is made of flesh and blood. The *Anda* (egg) is like the skin of a nail, hard, round, and its covering is made of semen and blood. The *Pota* (born from the womb) is a being whose all limbs are complete without any covering, and who is born from the womb with the ability to move and act. Those born from the *Jarayu* (womb) are called *Jarayuja* (born from the womb). Those born from the *Anda* (egg) are called *Andaja* (born from eggs). The *Sutra* (aphorism) uses the *Dvandva Samasa* (compound word) for *Jarayuja* (born from the womb), *Andaja* (born from eggs), and *Pota* (born from the womb). All these are *Garbha Yoni* (wombs).
327. If the *Garbha Janma* (birth from the womb) of these *Jarayuja* (born from the womb), *Andaja* (born from eggs), and *Pota* (born from the womb) is determined, then tell us which beings have *Upapada Janma* (birth from the womb). Therefore, the following *Sutra* (aphorism) is stated to give knowledge about this:
The *Deva* (celestial beings) and *Naraka* (hellish beings) have *Upapada Janma* (birth from the womb). ||34|| 1. *Moolachar* (Primary Conduct), *Ga* (Chapter) 5.29 and 12.63 1 *Go* (Chapter), *Ji* (Chapter), *Ga* (Chapter).