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## Chapter Two
**The concept of "Durupa Lakshya Pradesh" is explained.**
**"Setara" means "those who exist with others," implying "with opposing elements."**
**Question: Who are these "others"?**
**Answer:** They are those who are **achit** (non-conscious), **ushna** (hot), and **vivrut** (open). Those who are **ubhayatmaka** (dualistic) are called **mishra** (mixed). For example, **sachitta-achitta** (conscious-non-conscious), **shito-ushna** (cold-hot), and **samvrit-vivrut** (closed-open).
**The word "cha" (and) indicates a collective sense, implying that there are also mixed types of yonis.** Otherwise, "mishra" would simply be an adjective for the previously mentioned types.
**The word "ekasha" (one by one) is used for emphasis.** It is included in the sutra to emphasize the sequential and mixed nature of the yonis. This helps us understand that the yonis are **sachitta**, **achitta**, **sheet**, **ushna**, **samvrit**, and **vivrut** in that order. It is not meant to be understood as **sachitta**, **sheet**, etc.
**The word "tat" (that) is used to indicate the different types of birth.** It implies that these yonis are the sources of births like **sammurchhana** (fainting) and others.
**In total, there are nine yonis to be understood.**
**Question: Is there no difference between yoni and birth?**
**Answer: No, there is a difference due to the distinction between "adhara" (base) and "adhey" (dependent).** These **sachitta** etc. yonis are the **adharas**, and the different types of birth are the **adheyas**. This is because the soul, residing in the **sachitta** etc. yonis, acquires **pudgalas** (particles) suitable for the body, food, and senses through births like **sammurchhana**.
**Devas (gods) and Narakas (hell beings) have achitta yonis.** This is because their **upapadadesha** (place of origin) is made up of **pudgalaprachay** (accumulation of particles), which is **achitta**.
**Garbhajas (those born from the womb) have mishra yonis.** This is because the **shukra** (semen) and **shonit** (blood) in the mother's womb are **achitta**, and they mix with the **sachitta** soul of the mother, resulting in a **mishra yoni**.
**Sammurchhanajas (those born through fainting) have three types of yonis.** Some have **sachitta yonis**, others have **achitta yonis**, and some have **mishra yonis**.
**Those with ordinary bodies have sachitta yonis.** This is because they depend on each other for survival.
**The remaining sammurchhana beings have both achitta and mishra yonis.**
**Devas and Narakas have both sheet and ushna yonis.** This is because their **upapadasthanas** (places of origin) are some cold and some hot.
**Tejaskaayikas (those with a fiery body) have ushna yonis.**
**The remaining beings have three types of yonis.** Some have **sheet yonis**, some have **ushna yonis**, and some have **mishra yonis**.
**1. Mishram Mishrayoni: A., Di. 1, Di. 2.**