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## [136] Sarvartha Siddhi
[2131 $ 321] The intake of suitable pudgalas is called Aahar. The absence of this is called Anaahar. The intake of karma is continuous in the state of the karmic body. When the jiva is moving towards the upapadakshetra, it is called Aahar. In the other three times, it is called Anaahar. 8321. Thus, to explain the different types of birth of a jiva entering a new murti, the sutra says:
Sammurchhana, Garbha and Upapad are the (three) types of birth. ||31|| 8322. In the three lokas, above, below and sideways, the complete absorption of the body is called Sammurchhana. This means the absorption of pudgalas from all sides to form the body. The mixture of shukra and shonit in the womb of a woman is called Garbha. Or, the absorption of the food consumed by the mother is called Garbha. The place where the jiva enters and starts moving is called Upapad. Upapad is a specific name for the place of birth of devas and narakas. These three are the types of birth for the jiva in samsara, which are the results of different karmas that bind due to auspicious and inauspicious consequences.
323. So far, we have discussed the birth that is the basis for the enjoyment and experience of the objects of samsara. Now, we should discuss the different types of yonis. Therefore, the next sutra says:
Sachitta, Sheet and Samvrita, and their opposites Achitta, Ushna and Vivrita, and the mixture of these, i.e., Sachitta-achitta, Sheet-ushna and Samvrita-vivrita, are the yonis of birth. ||32|| 8324. The special manifestation of the soul's chaitanya is called Chitta. The one who lives with Chitta is called Sachitta. Sheet is a type of touch. Like shukla, etc., it is a word for both the substance and the quality. Samvrita means completely surrounded.