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[2126 § 312
The movement of living beings at the time of death, and the upward movement of liberated beings at the time of their transition to another existence, is always in a straight line. The rule of the country is also upward, downward, or sideways. The movement of pudgalas, which reaches the end of the world, is also in a straight line. Other movements are possible.
8 313. To further explain the special types of movement, the next sutra says: The movement of a liberated being is without obstruction. ||27||
$ 314 Obstruction means hindrance or crookedness. The movement that is without obstruction is the movement that is without hindrance or crookedness. Whose movement is this? Of a living being. What kind of living being? A liberated being. How do we know that the movement of a liberated being is without obstruction? The next sutra uses the word "samsari" (worldly), which indicates that this sutra is referring to the movement of a liberated being. But the previous sutra already explained that there is no transition from one category to another. What is the purpose of this sutra? This sutra is meant to indicate that there is sometimes movement in a straight line. But the previous sutra already mentioned the rules of the country and time. No, because this sutra proves it.
$ 315. If it is claimed that the movement of a liberated soul is without obstruction and reaches the end of the world in a fixed time, then what about the movement of a worldly soul? Is it obstructed or is it without obstruction like the movement of a liberated soul? The next sutra answers this question:
The movement of a worldly being is both without obstruction and with obstruction. The movement with obstruction occurs before the fourth time, that is, for three times.
1. Ntaadavgatakala Mu.