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Chapter Two $ 310. Vigraha is the body. Vigraha means the movement that is for the body. Or, Vigraha means the opposite of Graha, which means obstruction. The meaning is that even when Karma is taken, there is no taking of non-Karma Pudgalas, and there is no obstruction. With Vigraha, there is Vigraha-Gati. The Karmic body, which is the seed of the growth of all bodies, is called Karma. Yoga is the movement of the Atma-Pradesha, which is caused by the Vachan-Vargana, Mano-Vargana, and Kaya-Vargana. The Yoga that is done by Karma is called Karma-Yoga, and it happens in Vigraha-Gati. This is the meaning of the statement. From this, there is the taking of new Karma and the movement from one country to another.
311. It is said that the movement of Jivas and Pudgalas from one country to another is done by the order of the Akasha-Pradeshas, or without it. Now, to explain this, the next Sutra is said:
The movement is according to the श्रेणी. ॥26॥
8312. From the middle of the Lok, upwards, downwards, and sideways, the order of the Akasha-Pradeshas is called श्रेणी. The word 'Anu' is used in the sense of 'Anupurvi'. Therefore, 'Anu-Shreni' means 'according to the order of the श्रेणी'. This is the movement of Jivas and Pudgalas. The question is, how can Pudgalas be taken here, since they are not authorized? The answer is that the word 'Gati' is taken in the Sutra, which proves that unauthorized Pudgalas are also intended here. If only the movement of Jivas was intended, then there would have been no need to take the word 'Gati' in the Sutra, because the taking of the word 'Gati' is proven by authority. Secondly, the word 'Jiva' is taken in the next Sutra, so it is known that Pudgalas are also intended in this Sutra. The question is, the movement of the Jyotishkas like the Moon, etc., and the movement of the Vidyadharas, etc., in the clockwise direction of the Meru is seen, so why is it said that the movement of Jivas and Pudgalas is Anu-Shreni? The answer is that the time and space rules should be known here. The time rule is as follows: when a Jiva leaves one Bhav at the time of death, 1. -व्याघातः । नोकर्म-ता., ना.। 2. -रानुपूर्वेणा- आ.। 3. ज्योतिषां आ., दि. 1, दि. 2 ।