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## Chapter Two
[121] And in the human realm, as well as in the realm of the gods, there are hellish states. However, there is a difference: A being undergoes a **bhavacarita** (cycle of births and deaths) for as long as thirty oceans worth of lifetimes. As it is said:
"From the lowest hell to the highest heaven, the being wanders repeatedly,
Driven by the delusion of the senses, it experiences many births and deaths."
6279. Now, we speak of **bhavacarita**: A being with five senses, a **paryāptaka** (sufficient) and **mithyātvā** (false belief), attains the most wretched state, the **antaḥkoṭikoṭi** (innermost) state, according to its **jñānāvaraṇa** (veil of knowledge) nature. For this being, there are countless **kṣayā** (passions) **adhyavasāya** (determinations) states, as many as the number of worlds, which are **ṣaṭsthāna** (six-fold) fallen and suitable for its state. From these most wretched **kṣayā** **adhyavasāya** states, there arise countless **anubhāga** (experiences) **adhyavasāya** states, as many as the number of worlds. Thus, the being, dwelling in the most wretched state, with the most wretched **kṣayā** **adhyavasāya** state, and the most wretched **anubhāga** **adhyavasāya** state, attains the most wretched **yoga** (state of being) state, suitable for it. For these states of **kṣayā** and **anubhāga**, there is a second **yoga** state, with an increase of countless parts. And so, in the third, fourth, and subsequent states, there are **yoga** states, as many as the countless parts of a **śreṇi** (series). Then, for the being that maintains the same state and the same **kṣayā** **adhyavasāya** state, there is a second **anubhāga** **adhyavasāya** state. Its **yoga** states should be understood as before. Similarly, in the third, fourth, and subsequent states, there is this much difference: Here, one should speak of thirty-one oceans worth of lifetimes. Thus, all this together constitutes a **bhavacarita**. As it is said:
"In this life, due to the contact with **mithyātvā**, the being is born in the lowest hell, and in the highest heaven, and wanders repeatedly in the wretched states."
6279. Now, we speak of **bhavacarita**: A being with five senses, a **paryāptaka** (sufficient) and **mithyātvā** (false belief), attains the most wretched state, the **antaḥkoṭikoṭi** (innermost) state, according to its **jñānāvaraṇa** (veil of knowledge) nature. For this being, there are countless **kṣayā** (passions) **adhyavasāya** (determinations) states, as many as the number of worlds, which are **ṣaṭsthāna** (six-fold) fallen and suitable for its state. And from these most wretched **kṣayā** **adhyavasāya** states, there arise countless **anubhāga** (experiences) **adhyavasāya** states, as many as the number of worlds. Thus, the being, dwelling in the most wretched state, with the most wretched **kṣayā** **adhyavasāya** state, and the most wretched **anubhāga** **adhyavasāya** state, attains the most wretched **yoga** (state of being) state, suitable for it. Then, the state, the **kṣayā** **adhyavasāya** state, and the **anubhāga** **adhyavasāya** state remain the same, but the **yoga** state becomes different, with an increase of countless parts. Similarly, in the third, fourth, and subsequent **yoga** states, one should understand. These **yoga** states are all **catur-sthāna** (four-fold) fallen, and their number is as many as the countless parts of a **śreṇi** (series). Then, for the being that maintains the same state and the same **kṣayā** **adhyavasāya** state, there is a second **anubhāga** **adhyavasāya** state. Its **yoga** states should be understood as before. The meaning is that here too, the aforementioned three things remain constant, but the **yoga** states are as many as the countless parts of a **jag-śreṇi** (world-series). Thus, in the third, fourth, and subsequent **anubhāga** **adhyavasāya** states, one should understand until there are countless **anubhāga** **adhyavasāya** states, as many as the number of worlds. The meaning is that here, the state and the **kṣayā** **adhyavasāya** state remain wretched, but the **anubhāga** **adhyavasāya** states gradually become countless, as many as the number of worlds, and for each **anubhāga** **adhyavasāya** state, there are **yoga** states as many as the countless parts of a **jag-śreṇi** (world-series). Then, for the being that attains the same state, there is a second **kṣayā** **adhyavasāya** state. Its **anubhāga** **adhyavasāya** states and **yoga** states should be understood as before. That is:
1. And like the animal realm. (Mū., Tā.)
2. (Bā., A., Gā.) 28 1
3. **Anubhāga** **adhyavasāya** (Di.)
4. In the third, fourth, and subsequent **yoga** states. (Mū., Tā.)