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## Chapter Two
[109 to be known. Two, nine, eighteen, twenty-one, and three. These are the divisions, and these are the divisions of those, or the divisions of those who have two, nine, eighteen, twenty-one, and three divisions. When the meaning is in the primary word, then there is a connection with the two, nine, eighteen, twenty-one, and three divisions of the states of the metaphorical, etc. Due to the meaning, the case ending changes. When the meaning is in another word, then only the words ending in the specified case ending are connected, the states of the metaphorical, etc. are two, nine, eighteen, twenty-one, and three divisions. The word "in order" is for understanding the number in order. The metaphorical has two divisions. The destructive has nine divisions. The mixed has eighteen divisions. The arising has twenty-one divisions. The resultant has three divisions.]
8256. If this is so, then what are the two divisions of the metaphorical? To explain this, the next sutra says:
**Right faith and right conduct.** [3]
257. The characteristics of right faith and right conduct have been explained before. Doubt: How is it metaphorical? Answer: There are two divisions of the delusion of conduct: that which is subject to passions and that which is not subject to passions. Of these, the one subject to passions has four divisions: anger, pride, deceit, and greed, which have infinite connections. The delusion of perception has three divisions: right faith, wrong faith, and mixed faith. The metaphorical right faith arises from the pacification of these seven natures.
258. Doubt: How can there be pacification of these when the karmic defilement obtained from the arising of karma of the being who has had wrong faith from beginningless time remains? Answer: Their pacification is due to the cause of time, etc. Now, we explain the obtaining of time: A being who is bound by karma, when the time for the change of half a pudgala remains, becomes fit for the first attainment of right faith, not before. This is one obtaining of time. Another is...