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## 104]
[1133 § 248
A cow is not standing, nor is it lying down. Alternatively, the self, by the knowledge by which it has transformed, determines itself. Just as the self, transformed by the knowledge of Indra and fire, is Indra and fire.
8249. The Nayas like Naigama etc. have been mentioned. Their order is due to their being progressively more subtle in subject matter, and because the earlier ones are the causes of the later ones. Thus, these Nayas, being progressively opposed in their major subject matter and progressively more favorable in their minor subject matter, become multi-faceted, being divided according to the infinite power of the substance. These Nayas, being primarily based on qualities, are interdependent and are the causes of right vision. They should be understood as being like threads etc., which are invested according to their means, and are independent but incapable of functioning on their own, just as the means of action and the capabilities of the means of action are for the sake of human purposes.
8250. Objection: The simile "like threads etc." is inappropriate in the context, because threads etc., even when independent, do give rise to some function. For example, a single thread is capable of protecting the skin, and a single strong thread is capable of binding. But these Nayas, even when independent, do not give rise to even a little right vision, do they? Solution: This is not a fault, because what has been said has not been understood. This objection has been raised without understanding the meaning that has been said. We have said that the function of cloth etc. is not found in independent threads etc. But what the objector has pointed out is not the function of cloth etc. Objection: Then what is it? Solution: It is only the function of threads etc. The function of threads etc. is also not found in completely independent threads etc., which is the very point of our argument. Now, it is appropriate to use the word "cloth" in the context of threads etc., but not at other times. When one has the power of command and sovereignty, then one is Indra, not when one is being crowned or worshipped. When a cow is walking, then it is a cow, not when it is sitting or sleeping. Alternatively, the way in which, or the knowledge by which, the self has transformed, is the way in which it is determined by that very Naya. For example, the self transformed by the knowledge of the form of Indra is Indra, and the self transformed by the knowledge of the form of fire is fire.
8249. These Nayas like Naigama etc. have been mentioned. Their order is due to their being progressively more subtle in subject matter, and because the earlier ones are the causes of the later ones. Thus, these Nayas, being progressively opposed in their major subject matter and progressively more favorable in their minor subject matter, become multi-faceted, being divided according to the infinite power of the substance. All these Nayas, being primarily based on qualities, are interdependent and are the causes of right vision. They should be understood as being like threads etc., which are invested according to their means, and are independent but incapable of functioning on their own, just as the means of action and the capabilities of the means of action are for the sake of human purposes.
8250. Objection: The simile "like threads etc." is inappropriate in the context, because threads etc., even when independent, do give rise to some function. For example, a single thread is capable of protecting the skin, and a single strong thread is capable of binding. But these Nayas, even when independent, do not give rise to even a little right vision, do they? Solution: This is not a fault, because what has been said has not been understood. This objection has been raised without understanding the meaning that has been said. We have said that the function of cloth etc. is not found in independent threads etc. But what the objector has pointed out is not the function of cloth etc. Objection: Then what is it? Solution: It is only the function of threads etc. The function of threads etc. is also not found in completely independent threads etc., which is the very point of our argument.