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## 94]
**[25]** There is a difference between Avadhi-jnana and Mana-paryaya-jnana in terms of **Vishuddhi**, **Kshetra**, **Swami**, and **Vishaya**.
**[8222]** Vishuddhi means purity. Kshetra is the place where the object of knowledge is located. Swami is the knower. Vishaya is the object of knowledge. Avadhi-jnana is purer than Mana-paryaya-jnana because the object of Avadhi-jnana is more subtle. Kshetra has already been mentioned. Vishaya will be discussed later. Here, we are considering Swami. Mana-paryaya-jnana is found only in those beings who have excellent Charitra-guna, from the stage of Pramatta-samyata to the stage of Kshina-kashya. It arises only in those beings whose Charitra is increasing, not in those whose Charitra is decreasing. Even in those beings whose Charitra is increasing, it arises only in those who have attained one of the seven Riddhis, not in others. Even among those who have attained Riddhis, it arises only in some, not in all. This is the special characteristic of Swami, or the specific Samyama, mentioned in the Sutra. Avadhi-jnana, however, is found in beings of all four Gatis. Therefore, there is a difference between these two types of knowledge even in terms of Swami.
**[8223]** Now is the time to discuss the definition of Kevala-jnana. However, before that, we will examine the Vishaya of different types of knowledge. This is because the definition of Kevala-jnana will be mentioned later in the Sutra: "Kevala is due to the destruction of Moha, Jnanavaran, Darshanavaran, and Antaray." If this is the case, then we should first discuss the Vishaya of Mati-jnana and Shruta-jnana, which were mentioned earlier. Keeping this in mind, the next Sutra says:
**[26]** Mati-jnana and Shruta-jnana are related to all substances, with some exceptions.
**[8224]** The word Nibandha means "connection" or "relation." What is connected? The Vishaya. Should the Vishaya be mentioned in the Sutra? No, it is already implied. Where is it implied? In the phrase "Vishuddhi-Kshetra-Swami-Vishayebhyah." Therefore, based on the meaning of this phrase, there is a difference between Avadhi-jnana and Mana-paryaya-jnana in terms of Vishuddhi, Kshetra, Swami, and Vishaya.