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## Chapter One
[71 8172. The dual-number reference is in relation to the distinctions that will be explained later. For it will be said, "The first is indirect, the other is direct." This dual-number reference is meant to negate the existence of other types of knowledge.
8 72. The dual-number reference in the sutra is in relation to the distinctions that will be explained later. It will be said, "The first is indirect, the other is direct." This dual-number reference is meant to negate the existence of other types of knowledge.
**Special Note:** In the previous sutra, five types of right knowledge were discussed, and in this sutra, their validity is explained. While it is clear that right knowledge is valid, other schools of thought do not consider knowledge as the primary source of knowledge, but rather consider proximity or sense organs as the source of knowledge. Therefore, here it is explained that proximity, etc., are not the source of knowledge, but knowledge itself is the source of knowledge. In the Sarvarthasiddhi commentary, two main views are mentioned and criticized. Both these views are accepted by the Nyaya school. The Nyaya school considers both proximity and sense organs as the source of knowledge in the origin of direct knowledge. The view that proximity is the source of knowledge is mentioned in the Nyaya Bhashya, and the view that sense organs are the source of knowledge is mentioned in Uddyotakara's Nyaya Varttika. However, when the Sarvarthasiddhikar mentions this second view, it seems to be as ancient as the first view. It is very likely that the Sarvarthasiddhikar mentioned the Sankhya view that "sense organ activity is the source of knowledge," and there is no surprise in that. The Nyaya school considers proximity as an extraordinary cause in the origin of direct knowledge and considers it as the source of knowledge. However, later on, the term "cause" is used for the "extraordinary cause." This definition has been replaced by the definition of "cause" as "the cause that is involved in activity," which has led to the acceptance of sense organs as the source of knowledge in their school. When they consider proximity as the source of knowledge, knowledge is considered its result, and when they consider sense organs as the source of knowledge, proximity is considered the activity of the sense organs, and knowledge is considered its result. This does not mean that they do not consider knowledge as the source of knowledge. They also consider knowledge as the source of knowledge in their school. When they consider knowledge as the source of knowledge, then right understanding, wrong understanding, and indifference are considered its results. However, the Nyaya school's view of considering proximity and sense organs as the source of knowledge is not appropriate. This is the conclusion reached in the commentary on this sutra. The following are the flaws in considering proximity as the source of knowledge: 1. Knowledge of subtle, obstructed, and distant objects is not possible, therefore, omniscience is absent. 2. Knowledge cannot be generated by the eye and mind because they are incapable of acquiring knowledge. 3. It is not appropriate to consider each sense organ as having a separate object, because the eye's contact with form makes it the generator of knowledge of form, and similarly, it also has contact with taste, therefore, it should also generate knowledge of taste. 4. Proximity is not a single entity, but rather a combination of two or more entities, namely the sense organ and the object, therefore, the result of proximity, which is knowledge, should also be present in both. The following are the flaws in considering sense organs as the source of knowledge: 1. Omniscience is absent because sense organs are incapable of knowing all objects simultaneously. 2. Omniscience is also absent because knowledge of subtle, obstructed, and distant objects is not possible through sense organs. 3. Knowledge such as inference, etc., cannot be generated because these types of knowledge are not generated by sense organs. There are other flaws in considering proximity and sense organs as the source of knowledge. Those who consider proximity and sense organs as the source of knowledge raise a major objection to considering knowledge as the source of knowledge, saying that if knowledge is considered the source of knowledge, then the source of knowledge becomes ineffective. However, this objection is also not appropriate because...