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## Translation:
**56] Sarvarthasiddhi**
[118 8 1228122. In terms of Darshan, the difference between Mithyadrishti and others in Chakshudarshini is like an ocean. The difference between Sasadan Samyagdristi and Samyagmithyadrishti in relation to different Jivas is like an ocean. In relation to one Jiva, the least difference is a fraction of a Palya-upam and an Antarmuhurta, while the greatest difference is slightly less than two thousand Sagaropama. In relation to different Jivas, there is no difference between Asanyata Samyagdristi and the various Gunasthanas up to Apramatta Samyata. In relation to one Jiva, the least difference is an Antarmuhurta, while the greatest difference is slightly less than two thousand Sagaropama. In relation to different Jivas, the difference between the four Upshamaka is like an ocean. In relation to one Jiva, the least difference is an Antarmuhurta, while the greatest difference is slightly less than two thousand Sagaropama. The difference between the four Kshapaka is like an ocean. In relation to different Jivas, the difference between Mithyadrishti and the various Gunasthanas up to Kshina Kshaya in AChakshudarshini is like an ocean. The difference between Avadhi Darshani and Avadhi Gyanini is the same. The difference between Kevala Darshani and Kevala Gyanini is the same.
8123. In terms of Leshya, the difference between Mithyadrishti and Asanyata Samyagdristi in relation to different Jivas in Krishna, Neel and Kapota Leshya is not there. In relation to one Jiva, the least difference is an Antarmuhurta, while the greatest difference is slightly less than thirty-seven Sagaropama, slightly less than seventeen Sagaropama and slightly less than seven Sagaropama respectively. The difference between Sasadan Samyagdristi and Samyagmithyadrishti in relation to different Jivas is like an ocean. In relation to one Jiva, the least difference is a fraction of a Palya-upam and an Antarmuhurta, while the greatest difference is slightly less than thirty-seven Sagaropama, slightly less than seventeen Sagaropama and slightly less than seven Sagaropama respectively.
8122. In terms of Darshan Margna, the difference between Mithyadrishti and others in Chakshudarshini is like an ocean. The difference between Sasadan Samyagdristi and Samyagmithyadrishti in relation to different Jivas is like an ocean. In relation to one Jiva, the least difference is a fraction of a Palya-upam and an Antarmuhurta, while the greatest difference is slightly less than two thousand Sagaropama. In relation to different Jivas, there is no difference between Asanyata Samyagdristi and the various Gunasthanas up to Apramatta Samyata. In relation to one Jiva, the least difference is an Antarmuhurta, while the greatest difference is slightly less than two thousand Sagaropama. In relation to different Jivas, the difference between the four Upshamaka is like an ocean. In relation to one Jiva, the least difference is an Antarmuhurta, while the greatest difference is slightly less than two thousand Sagaropama. The difference between the four Kshapaka is like an ocean. In relation to different Jivas, the difference between Mithyadrishti and the various Gunasthanas up to Kshina Kshaya in AChakshudarshini is like an ocean. The difference between Avadhi Darshani and Avadhi Gyanini is the same. The difference between Kevala Darshani and Kevala Gyanini is the same.
8123. In terms of Leshya Margna, the difference between Mithyadrishti and Asanyata Samyagdristi in relation to different Jivas in Krishna, Neel and Kapota Leshya is not there. In relation to one Jiva, the least difference is an Antarmuhurta, while the greatest difference is slightly less than thirty-seven Sagaropama, slightly less than seventeen Sagaropama and slightly less than seven Sagaropama respectively. The difference between Sasadan Samyagdristi and Samyagmithyadrishti in relation to different Jivas is like an ocean. In relation to one Jiva, the least difference is a fraction of a Palya-upam and an Antarmuhurta, while the greatest difference is slightly less than thirty-seven Sagaropama, slightly less than seventeen Sagaropama and slightly less than seven Sagaropama respectively.
+Samanyavat. Ev-mu. 2. In Chakshudarshini, the difference between Sasadan and Samyagmithyadrishti is nine Antarmuhurta and a fraction of an Avaliya less, twelve Antarmuhurta and slightly less than two thousand Sagaropama more. 3. In Chakshudarshini, the difference between Aviraata Samyagdristi and Samyata Samyata is ten Antarmuhurta less, forty-eight days less, twelve Antarmuhurta less, eight years and ten Antarmuhurta less, eight years and ten Antarmuhurta less, and slightly less than two thousand Sagaropama more. 4. In Chakshudarshini, the difference between the four Upshamaka is twenty-nine, twenty-seven, twenty-five and twenty-three Antarmuhurta respectively, and eight years less, and slightly less than two thousand Sagaropama more.