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## Chapter One: Nomination, Substance, and State
**5. The placement of name, substance, and state, in terms of their meaning, correct vision, etc., and the placement of the soul, etc.**
**22. A name is a designation given by one's own will for the purpose of interaction with an object devoid of qualities. The establishment of a name is the act of placing it, as in "This is wood-work, book-work, painting, or writing." Substance is that which is obtained by qualities, or that which will be obtained by qualities, or that which will obtain qualities. State is the substance marked by the present synonym. For example, the term "soul" is placed in four ways: name-soul, establishment-soul, substance-soul, and state-soul. Name-soul is the designation of any being as "soul" without regard to the quality of life. Establishment-soul is the placement of "soul" or "human soul" in writing, etc. Substance-soul is of two types: acquired substance-soul and non-acquired substance-soul. Acquired substance-soul is the soul that is not useful for the knowledge of the soul or the knowledge of the human soul, even though it has been acquired. Non-acquired substance-soul is of three types: knower-body, future, and other than these. The knower-body is the body of the knower, which is present in all three times. There is no non-acquired future-soul in relation to the general, because the general life is always present. However, there is a non-acquired future-soul in relation to the particular. The soul that is established in another motion, and is facing the attainment of human existence, is called the future-human-soul. Other than this, there are two types: karma and non-karma. State-soul is of two types: acquired state-soul and non-acquired state-soul. Acquired state-soul is the soul that is equipped with the knowledge of the soul or the knowledge of the human soul, and is useful for it. Non-acquired state-soul is the soul that is equipped with the synonym of life or the synonym of human life. Similarly, the rules of placement of name, etc., should be applied to other substances. What is the purpose of this? To negate the irrelevant.**