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## 12]
[114 § 20
8 20. It has been stated that the word 'tattva' is a noun of quality. How can it be in the same grammatical case as the nouns of substance like 'jiva' etc.? The answer is that there is no separation between the substance and the quality, and the substance is attributed to the quality. For example, in the statement "Use is the soul", the word 'use' is a noun of quality and the word 'soul' is a noun of substance, and they are in the same grammatical case. Similarly, it should be understood in the present context.
**Question:** If this is the case, then the gender and number of the qualifier will be the same as that of the qualified?
**Answer:** According to the rules of grammar, even though there is a relationship between the qualifier and the qualified, the gender and number that a word has acquired due to its meaning are not violated. This rule should also be applied to the first sutra.
§ 21. In order to avoid confusion in the use of the words for the aforementioned things like right faith etc. and the things like 'jiva' etc., the next sutra is stated.
1. 'The genus which has acquired a gender, having adopted that gender, continues from its origin to its destruction, and does not abandon its gender.' Pa. 11212531 Others also say that the words for qualities do not necessarily follow the gender and number of the substance. Pa. Ma. Bha. 511111591