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## Table of Contents
Meaning of the word "Vartana"
222 Even similar entities are bound in the presence of unequal qualities. This is supported by the fact that time is not a substance. The existence of time is established in the sutra by the use of the word "sadrisha" (similar).
234 Meaning of the word "Parinam"
The binding of two entities with more qualities. Meaning of the word "Kriya". 223 Detailed discussion of the types of binding.
234 Consideration of "Paratva" and "Aparatva"
223 When binding occurs, entities with more qualities become distinct from the resultant "Vartana" and acquire "Parinama" etc.
235 Purpose
223 Characteristics of a substance
237 Characteristics of "Pudgala"
273 Reasons for the distinction between one substance and another. Meaning of words like "Sparsha" (touch) etc. and their differences. 223 "Sayuktika" (joint) proof.
237 Even though the sutra says "Rupinah Pudgalah" (Pudgalas are those which have form), time is also a substance.
238 Proof of the substantiality of time.
224 Reason for the statement of the sutra.
239 Reason for calling time a separate substance.
224 Indication of synonyms for "Pudgala".
239 Consideration of time through special meaning. 224
240 Two types of words and their special consideration.
Time has infinite synonyms in the form of "Samaya" (time). 225
Proof of the two types of binding and their special consideration.
241 Two types of "Saukshmya" (subtlety) and their consideration.
Characteristics of "Guna" (quality).
225 Two types of "Sthaulya" (grossness) and their consideration.
Characteristics of "Gana" (group). Consideration of "Sansthana" (structure) with its different types. 225
242 Six types of "Bheda" (difference) and their consideration.
225 Nature of "Parinam" (result).
243 Indication of the nature of "Tama" (darkness) etc.
Two types of "Parinam" and their proof. Types of "Pudgala".
226 Meaning of the word "Anu" (atom).
Sixth chapter. Meaning of the word "Skandha" (aggregate).
227 Cause of the origin of "Skandha". 227 Nature of "Yoga" (combination).
244 Meaning of "Bheda" (difference) and "Sanghata" (combination).
227 Meaning of the word "Karma" (action).
244 Significance of the plural indication.
227 Types of "Yoga".
244 Cause of the origin of "Anu".
Nature of "Kaya" (body), "Vachan" (speech) and "Manoyoga" (mental application). 244 The purpose of using the word "Bheda" in the sutra "Bhedasanghatebhyah".
228 Nature of "Asrava" (influx).
245 How "Achakshasha" (unconscious) and "Chakshasha" (conscious) occur. Consideration of this. 228 These three "Kaya" etc. "Yoga" are divided into two parts: auspicious and inauspicious.
245 Explanation of "Sat" (truth). 229 Nature of auspicious "Yoga".
245 Meaning of words like "Utpad" (production) etc. 229 Nature of inauspicious "Yoga".
245 In what sense is the word "Yukt" (combined) used?
Explanation of the words "Punya" (merit) and "Papa" (demerit).
245 Consideration of this.
229 How many types of "Samparayika" (worldly) and "Iryapatha" (path) "Asrava" are there?
246 Explanation of the word "Nitya" (eternal). 230 "Mukhhyata" (primary) and "Gaunata" (secondary) establish "Anekanta" (multi-facetedness). 231 Two types of "Asrava" owners.
246 Cause of the binding of "Pudgalas". 232 Meaning of the word "Kashaya" (passion).
246 Meaning of the word "Sapraya".
246 Meaning of the word "Irya".
246 Binding of entities with lesser qualities does not occur. 233 Binding of similar entities does not occur in the presence of equal qualities. 233