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This is the instruction about the substances like Dharma, etc. 202 The meaning of the word 'Loka'
211 The etymology of the word 'Dravya'
202 The two divisions of Akasha and their meaning 211 The reason for the division of Loka and A-Loka due to the combination of the general term 'Dravyatva' of Dharma, etc.
211 These are not substances, a reasoned consideration 202
Dharma and Adharma substances are pervasive in Loka 211 Objection to the view that 'Gunasamudayo Dravyam'
212 Pudgala substances reside in one region of Loka, etc. 202
The etymology of the word 'Dravya' and its establishment 202
How do the concrete Pudgalas stay together, a consideration 212 The reason for using the plural form 'Dravyani' and other
Jivas reside in countless parts of Loka, etc. 212 instructions about the characteristics
203 Instruction about the fact that countless Jivas with bodies and countless parts of Jivas are also substances 203 How do they reside in the beginning, a consideration 213 The inclusion of substances accepted by the Naiyayikas
The reason for Jivas residing in countless parts, etc. 213 The establishment 203 The benefit of Dharma and Adharma substances
214 The characteristics of substances
205 The meaning of the words 'Gati', 'Sthiti' and 'Upagraha' 114 Explanation of each word like 'Nitya', etc.
The significance of the word 'Upagraha' 205
The consideration that Pudgala substance is in the form of 'Rupa'
The reason for considering 'Gati' and 'Sthiti' as the form of Dharma and Adharma substances 206
The meaning of the word 'Rupa'
215 The consideration that there are individual substances up to Akasha 206
The reason for the absence of restrictions on 'Gati' and 'Sthiti' 215 The significance of accepting the word 'Dravya' in the Sutra 206
The establishment of Dharma and Adharma substances 207 Dharma, etc. substances are inactive
The benefit of 'Avasha' 216 The meaning of the word 'Nishkriya'
How does Akasha encompass inactive Dharma, etc. substances? 216 The establishment of 'Utpada', etc.
The two divisions of the production of Akasha due to the collision of two Skandhas 208 The loss of 'Avasha' donation does not occur
216 Inactive Dharma, etc. substances are the cause of 'Gati', etc.
How are subtle Pudgalas, even though they give space to each other? 208 The loss of 'Avasha' donation of Akasha does not occur 208 The regions of Dharma, Adharma and one Jiva
The support for the fact that it does not occur 208 The benefit of countless Pudgalas 208 The three divisions of 'Asankhyeya'
The meaning of the word 'Pradesha'
208 The establishment of the Pudgalatva of the Karman body 217 Dharma and Adharma substances are pervasive in Loka and Akasha 208 The two divisions of 'Vachana' and their nature 208 The establishment of the fact that the Pudgala-Jiva body, even though it has a quantity, becomes pervasive in Loka at the time of 'Samudghata'
208 The two divisions of 'Mana' and their nature 209 The consideration of the regions of Pudgala and Akasha
209 The establishment of the fact that 'Mana' is not another substance 218 The consideration of the regions of Pudgalas
209 The meaning of the words 'Pran' and 'Apan' 209 The significance of the word 'Ba'
209 The establishment of the Pudgalatva of 'Mana', 'Pran' and 'Apan' 219 The three divisions of 'Ananta'
209 The establishment of the existence of the soul 219 In the 'Asankhyata-Pradeshi' Loka, the other benefits of 'Ananta-Ananta-Pradeshi' Pudgalas
How does the Skandha fit in, a consideration 209 The meaning of words like 'Sukha', 'Dukha', etc.
219 There are no two initial regions of the Anu
The significance of the word 'Upagraha'
220 All substances are encompassed in Loka and Akasha 210 The benefit of Jivas
220 The consideration of 'Adhara-Adheya'
210 The benefit of 'Kala'