Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
**Verse Number** | **English Translation**
------- | --------
58.286 | The lifespan is thirty-three.
43.215 | In the Aranachuta Kalpa, they are four.
4130 | Aranachuta Suskandha
416 |
60.166 |
17140 |
16.10 |
54.12 |
54.13 |
18108 | The proper worship of the Arhad
58.79 | At the beginning, when performed by others
482 |
8.145 |
9.208 | Mounted on the chariot of the Kshatriyas
11.24 | Having ascended the chariot of the jewel
262 |
31.69 | He ascended the mountain there
428 |
56.88 | Shauri ascended the chariot
8 |
154 | Those who are first mentioned are the ones who ascend the chariot of the Kshatriyas
24.2 | Having placed the palanquin somewhere
62.19 | He ascends the middle of the sky
19.223 | Those two are to be ascended
14.87 | Even in the state of humility, placed
30.5 | O Arya Putra! Listen, O glorious one!
19.47 | The king is equal to his father
7.102 | The man and the woman said to the Arya
33.129 | Those Aryikas are like that
60.432 | There were three Aryas
19.220 | From the Arshas, you also have two parts
23.34 | O Arsha, what Vedas do you have here?
65.3 | They deserve those who are devoid of wealth
60.133 | They deserve those who are endowed with wealth
9.218 | Seeing the wealth
24.43 | Having embraced the pillar of the garden
30.25 | One embraced the other
59.98 | The light of whose world-ending
64.34 | Purity from criticism
8 |
107 | With shining earrings
104 |
Aranachuta Kalpaanta
Aranat Pushpadantesha
Aranyakamasau Veda
Aradhayadasau Teevra
Aradhitena Devena
Arashtaracha Maracha
Shlokanamka Radyanukrama
Avoyonaive Jayante
59.76 |
43.25 | The first one for whom we are
6.69 |
34.142 | Of those who are large in size
19.150 | Of the necessary actions
65.51 | We performed penance there
65.52 | We, along with our sons and others
5.584 | And the Avideha from the expansion
734 |
17.107 | There is no need to be afraid
25.18 | He was afraid, that accidental
332 | The intentions went to purity
58.184 | I hope in life and death
54.53 | Embracing his beloved, Partha
31.130 | Embracing the weeping brothers
22.55 | Having comforted the devotee of the Jina
17.52 | Having comforted the grief-stricken
16.63 | This is the five wonders
60.272 | In the dark fortnight of Ashadha
2.23 | On the sixth day of the bright fortnight of Ashadha
22.95 | Ashadha is the human sun
5622 |
21.57 | Sixteen and more
8.122 | He was attached there for a long time
45168 |
8128 | By the trembling of the seat
47.30 | The seat, the bed, theirs
21.73 | Quickly getting up from the seat
3.102 | On the seat, on the bed, in the bath
5.413 | Eight thousand are near
59.105 | The Atmananga is for a year
31.43 | Having reached that, then of him
32.37 | He attained that chariot
21.41 | The Kalinga army was there
33.150 | The king was a chariot of pictures
24.12 | He was one with unwavering commands
2116 | The king of the Vaishyas was there
1812 | And the king of the Andhakas
29.24 | He was one with unwavering victory
825 |
24.11 | The king was seated in Kalinga
43.116 | He was known by the name of Pravara
60.27 | She was known by the name of Lakshmi
42.14 | It was at the end of the city of Surya
1618 | He was seated on the seat of excellence
40.18 | Even though we are seated like this
6.114 | He is said to be in the Meghavana
53.3 | He is in the presence of Kansa
14.67 | Having come to the one who is in the court
60.65 | He stood at the time of the court
16.40 | They are in their respective places in the court
50.29 | We are also here
58.299 | The cessation of the outflow
21.105 | I have a boat there on the island
20142 | He said, "Very favorable"
58.275 | He said to him, "O virtuous one!"
34.137 | Of food and body
19.193 | Of those who are red Gandharvas
21180 | Having reached the platform with difficulty
5.336 | In the middle of them is Shakra
29.22 | Having called him secretly in anger
VialEe |
33.147 | He was called by them to eat
33.30 | She gave food to him
54.32 | The desired food here
17182 |
13.19 | Ikshvaku, the two suns
39.42 | The king, born of the Ikshvaku dynasty
9.43 | The eldest of the Ikshvaku Kshatriyas
13.33 | Ikshvaku, the first and foremost
17.57 | The wives of the descendants of the Ikshvaku dynasty
58.23 | Desire, hatred, and effort
50.35 |
21.121 |
33.142 |
35.37 |
50.1 |
Just by seeing the messenger
The other one had a son
The others of Ganga Deva
From here, sometime by Varuna
From here, by some merchant