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## 809
**Sixty-sixth Chapter**
May those with unwavering minds expound this text for the benefit of others and for their own liberation. This text is auspicious for those who perform auspicious deeds and is the best omen for virtuous seekers. ||42||
This scripture, the refuge of the Jinas, is a great remedy, a bringer of peace, and a good omen. I pray to the twenty-four Tirthankaras and their attendant deities, the protectors of the Dharma, who are always devoted to the Jinas, that they may always remain close to the Jina Dharma. May the deities who hold the Chakra Ratna and the lion-mounted Ambika Devi, who reside on Mount Girnar, always remain close to the Jina Dharma, for where they are present, how can obstacles prevail? ||43-44||
Planets, serpents, ghosts, demons, and other harmful beings, who cause obstacles for people, become pacified by the power of the Jina Dharma and its deities. ||45||
Those who devoutly read the Harivansha Purana obtain their desired accomplishments, as well as fame, wealth, and liberation, with little effort. ||46||
May the noble Aryas, who are superior to all others and who are free from pride, spread this Purana throughout the world, overcoming envy, with unwavering strength and unwavering fortitude. ||47||
What need is there for me to pray? For just as mountains, naturally capable of bearing the weight of the world, receive the water released from the clouds, so too do the Munis naturally spread the Dharma throughout the world. ||48||
If you read this, what need is there to speak of its fruits? ||41||
May learned people, with focused minds, expound this text for the benefit of others and for their own liberation. This text is auspicious for those who perform auspicious deeds and is the best omen for virtuous seekers. ||42||
This scripture, the refuge of the Jinas, is a great remedy, a bringer of peace, and a good omen. I pray to the twenty-four Tirthankaras and their attendant deities, the protectors of the Dharma, who are always devoted to the Jinas, that they may always remain close to the Jina Dharma. May the deities who hold the Chakra Ratna and the lion-mounted Ambika Devi, who reside on Mount Girnar, always remain close to the Jina Dharma, for where they are present, how can obstacles prevail? ||43-44||
Planets, serpents, ghosts, demons, and other harmful beings, who cause obstacles for people, become pacified by the power of the Jina Dharma and its deities. ||45||
Those who devoutly read the Harivansha Purana obtain their desired accomplishments, as well as fame, wealth, and liberation, with little effort. ||46||
May the noble Aryas, who are superior to all others and who are free from pride, spread this Purana throughout the world, overcoming envy, with unwavering strength and unwavering fortitude. ||47||
What need is there for me to pray? For just as mountains, naturally capable of bearing the weight of the world, receive the water released from the clouds, so too do the Munis naturally spread the Dharma throughout the world. ||48||
If you read this, what need is there to speak of its fruits? ||41||