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In the Harivamsha Purana, the Tirthabhumivihati, while traveling without any diminution in his vows, was not distressed by the thought of vehicles, wealth, or fear, due to his Charya-Parishaha. ||10||
In secluded places, with his mind purified by meditation, and possessing a brilliant intellect, Baldev Muni was never troubled by the Nishadya-Parishaha, even when bound by the rules of the place and time. ||11||
The Muni, immersed in meditation and study, slept very little, only for a short time, and on one side, on the earth as his bed, without any covering. Thus, he was never afflicted by the Shayya-Parishaha. ||102||
Even when wounded in his heart by sharp, harsh words from wicked people, the Muni, with his steadfast intellect, always remembered that he should be filled with forgiveness, enduring the pain of insults. ||103||
The Muni always held this thought: "If my body is killed by a multitude of weapons and arms, even then I should endure the Vadh-Parishaha well." ||104||
This Muni, practicing both external and internal austerities, with a body reduced to mere bones, was always engaged in the practice of Charya, but never begged for food or anything else, thus conquering the Yachana-Parishaha. ||105||
The Muni, silent, showing only his body, following the Chandri-Charya, entering the homes of both rich and poor like the moon, and remaining content with both gain and loss, thus conquered the Alaba-Parishaha. ||106||
He did not react to the roughness, coldness, and unsuitability of his food, or to the diseases arising from the aggravation of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. He always ignored them, thus conquering the Roga-Parishaha. ||107||
1. व्याप्तोऽपि ख. । 2. दनागतं म.। 3. चण्ड- म. ।