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## Chapter Sixty-One
Emerging from the city engulfed in flames, the two brothers stood motionless, unsure of where to go. They wept, clinging to each other's necks, and then turned towards the south. ||90||
Meanwhile, Vasudeva and the other Yadavas, along with their wives, attained liberation and were born in heaven. ||91||
Those who had attained the ultimate body, including the sons of Balarama, embraced the path of non-attachment and were guided by the Jrimbhaka towards the presence of the Jina. ||92||
Many Yadavas and their wives, whose souls were devoted to Dharma and who were pure in their right vision, had embraced the path of liberation. ||93||
Though many were consumed by the flames, the fire only destroyed their bodies, not their meditation. "Oh, the fire is fierce, but it cannot destroy the meditation." ||94||
The four types of obstacles, arising from the false vision, often lead to distressful meditation. But for those with right vision, such obstacles never arise. ||95||
Those who are imbued with the teachings of the Jina never lose their composure, whether facing inevitable or unexpected death. ||96||
For those with false vision, death is a cause for sorrow. But for those with pure vision, death in meditation is not a cause for sorrow. ||97||
Death is inevitable for all beings in the cycle of birth and death. Therefore, one should strive to die in meditation, even when faced with obstacles. ||98||
Those who, despite being consumed by the flames, leave their bodies with a pure mind, are truly blessed. ||99||
Austerity and death, when they bring happiness to oneself and others, are commendable. But austerity, like that of Dvaipayana, which causes suffering to oneself and others, is not commendable. ||100||
A wicked person who harms others may commit their act of violence in a single lifetime, but they will suffer the consequences of their actions for lifetimes to come. ||101||
A being, under the influence of passions, may kill others in this life or not, but they will always kill themselves in every life. They may or may not be the cause of suffering for others, but they are always the cause of their own suffering in the cycle of existence. ||102||