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## Chapter Sixty
Six, three, two, one months and three years, sixteen. Six, eleven, the number of months, nine years from then. || 339 || Fifty-six days would be, four months also. Twelve years from then, the Jinas, the Kevalis. || 340 || Eighty-four for the lord of the Ayasya Ganin, ninety-five combined, one hundred and three in the middle. || 341 || One hundred should be known again, sixteen and eleven more. Ninety-five, ninety-five, and ninety-five more. || 342 || Eighty-eight, then eighty-seven, seventy with seven. Six, sixty, five, fifty, fifty from then. || 343 || Thirty-four from then, thirty-six, thirty with two. Thirty-five with five, twenty-eight from then. || 344 || Eighteen Ganadhisas, seventeen in order. Eleven, ten, and eleven again. || 345 || The first of the first Ganin by name, Vrishabha, the lord of the army. Then another, Singhasena, and Charudatta, so it is said. || 346 || Vajra and Chamara, Vajrachamara, Balidatta, two. Vaidarbha, Anagara, Kunthu, and Sudharma. || 347 ||
Three months for Vimalnath, two months for Anantnath, one month for Dharmanath, sixteen years each for Shanti, Kunthu, and Aranath, six days for Mallinath, eleven months for Munisuvratnath, nine years for Naminath, fifty-six days for Neminath, four months for Parshvanath, and twelve years for Mahavira. After this period of concealment, all the Tirthankaras became Kevalis. || 337-340 ||
Lord Rishabhdev had eighty-four Ganadharas, Ajitnath had ninety, Sambhavnath had one hundred and five, Abhinandanath had one hundred and three, Sumatinath had one hundred and sixteen, Padmaprbha had one hundred and eleven, Supavannath had ninety-five, Chandraprbha had ninety-three, Pushpadanta had eighty-eight, Shitalnath had eighty-one, Shreyansnath had seventy-seven, Vasupujya had sixty-six, Vimalnath had fifty-five, Anantnath had fifty, Dharmanath had forty-three, Shantinath had thirty-six, Kunthunath had thirty-five, Aranath had thirty, Mallinath had twenty-eight, Munisuvratnath had eighteen, Naminath had seventeen, Neminath had eleven, Parshvanath had ten, and Mahavira had eleven Ganadharas. || 341-345 ||
+ The first Ganadhara of the first Tirthankara, Rishabhdev, was Vrishabhasena, of Ajitnath, Singhasena, of Sambhavnath, Charudatta, of Abhinandan, Vajra, of Sumatinath, Chamara, of Padmaprbha, Vajrachamara, of Suparshvanath, Balidatta, of Chandra 1. Then eighty-eight, eighty-one. 2. In the Tiloyapannatti, seventy-seven Ganadharas are said for Shitalnath. 3. Balidatta, G., K.
★ In the Tiloyapannatti, eighty-seven Ganadharas are mentioned in place of eighty-one for Shitalnath. The verse is as follows:
Chulasi di nau di pan tig solasa ekkarasuut rasayaai. Pannaudi tenaudi ganhardeva hu att pari yanta. || 961 || Adasi do sagasi di sattattari chakk samadiya chhatthi. Panvanna pannasa tato ya anant pariyanta. || 962 || Tedalan chhattisa pantisa tis atthabisa ya. Attarasa sattarasekkaras das ekkaras ya virata. || 963 || C. A.
+ There is a difference in the Tiloyapannatti - the verses are as follows:
Padhamo hu usaseno kesarise no ya charudatto ya. Vajjchamaro ya vajjo chamaro baladatta vedabbha. || 964 || Jago kunyu dhammo mandiranama jao aritto ya seno chakkayusho sayambhu kumho visakho ya. || 965 || Mallinamo supphavaradatta sayambhu indabhudiyo. Ushadi nam adima ganadhar namani edani. || 966 || Ede ganadhar - niruvammo. || 967 || C. A.
Devassa vihu attariddhisampanna. Tanam riddhisaruvam lav mettam tam Rishabhasena, Kesarise na, Charudatta, Vajrachamare, Vajra, Chamara, Balidatta, Vaidarbha, Nage, Kunthu, Dharma, Mandir, Jaye, Arishta, Sena", Chakraayudha", Swayambhu, Kumbha" Visakha Mallin Su prabha", Varadatta, Swayambhu, and Indrabhu ti' are the names of the first Ganadharas of Rishabha and other Tirthankaras.