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## Chapter 36 of the Harivamsha Purana
Those who are afraid of sin and naturally abstain from consuming honey, meat, and other harmful foods, attain the state of a noble human being. Those who commit evil deeds attain the state of a base human being. || 126 ||
Through the eradication of sin, some of the animals and hell-beings attain the state of a noble human being, and the gods attain it through good deeds. || 127 ||
Even in the human realm, which is filled with noble and ignoble families, beings experience suffering due to the non-attainment of desired objects and separation from loved ones. || 128 ||
Even those who have attained their desired objects and are united with their loved ones, do not experience happiness, as their desires, fueled by worldly objects, burn like a fire. || 129 ||
The birth of a human being serves as a cause for liberation for some, who are near to becoming liberated beings and who serve those who have attained right faith. || 130 ||
The same birth serves as a cause for a long cycle of existence for others, who are far from becoming liberated beings and who are deluded in their minds. || 131 ||
In all realms of action and enjoyment, the state of a human being, like that of animals, is both superior and inferior. || 132 ||
Those who consume only water, air, or the roots, leaves, and fruits of trees, who have a tranquil mind, who have practiced the restraint of passions and senses, who are ascetics, who engage in austerities, who are devoted to bodily penance, who are free from desires, and who are free from the burning of passions, are bound animals, residents of the celestial realms, intermediate beings, celestial beings, and short-lived celestial beings who dwell in the kalpa. All of these are stained by false faith. || 133-135 ||
Among these, the gods named Kandarpa are constantly consumed by lust. The gods of the noble caste are unfit to sit in assemblies, and the gods who are sinners constantly experience distress. || 136 ||
Seeing the great wealth and prosperity of the gods who possess great wealth, these gods, who are distressed by their own unfortunate fate, experience mental suffering. || 137 ||
Due to the rarity of right faith, even those who are destined for liberation sink into the ocean of worldly suffering, like those who are not destined for liberation. || 138 ||
The celestial realm of the residents of the celestial realms is a vast ocean, their highest state. The celestial realm of the intermediate beings is a single palya, and their lowest state is ten thousand years. || 139 ||
The celestial realm of the celestial beings is a vast ocean, their highest state, and their lowest state is one-eighth of a palya. The celestial realm of the gods is a vast ocean, their highest state, and their lowest state is a single palya. || 140 ||