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English Translation (preserving Jain terms):
The Third Chapter
The five Labdhis (attainments) that can be obtained by some are: Ksayopasamasamsuddhikriyaprayogya-desana (purification through destruction and subsidence, and appropriate conduct). Then, there is Adhahpravrttikarana (downward activity), Apurvakarana (novel activity), and Anivrtttikarana (non-cessation activity) - these three types of Karana (modes of activity).
After that, they attain the subsidence of Darsana-mohaniya (delusion obscuring right faith), then the state of Ksayopasamabhava (destruction-subsidence state) and finally the state of Ksaya (destruction) of the karmas, leading to the purity of the self.
First, they attain the Ausadhika (meditative) state, then the Ksayopasamika (destruction-subsidence) state, and finally the Ksayika (destructive) state, thereby experiencing the right faith.
Similarly, through the Ksayopasama (destruction-subsidence) of Caritra-mohaniya (delusion obscuring right conduct), they attain Caritra (right conduct) and destroy their karmas.
Thereafter, they attain the infinite bliss of liberation, infinite knowledge and infinite perception, and infinite energy, and reside in the state of liberation, free from all karmas.
Those whose Caritra-mohaniya is extremely strong become immovable in right faith due to the power of Darsana (faith) itself, and become the bondage-makers of the life-span of the celestial beings.
The humans who are partly restrained and partly unrestrained become immortal deities in the celestial realms from Saudharma to Acyuta.
The pure ascetics who have excellent Saraga-samyama (passionless restraint) are sinless; some of them become celestial beings in the same kalpa (cosmic age), while others become transcendental to the kalpa.
The deities residing in the nine Graiveyaka and nine Anudisa realms, as well as the five Anuttara realms, are known to be transcendental to the kalpa.
The deities born in the Indra-kalpa and I, the Indras, enjoy the fruit of the austerities performed on the right path.
The life-span of the deities in Saudharma and Saisa realms is a little more than two Sagara (ocean-like measurement of time), in Sanatakumara and Mahaendra realms it is a little more than seven Sagara, and in Brahma and Brahmotkarsika realms it is a little more than ten Sagara. In the Lantava and Kapista realms, it is fourteen Sagara.