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## The Third Chapter
**35.** Those who are greedy for wealth and possessions, who are consumed by desires for pleasures, who consume honey, meat, and alcohol, such human beings born on the earth, and the animals like tigers and lions, bind themselves to the hellish existence. ||113||
**13.** Those who are born in the hellish realms, where the body is constantly burned by extreme heat and cold, are filled with anger and their bodies are torn apart. ||113||
**11.** There is no substance, no place, no time, where the suffering of the hellish beings can find rest. ||114||
**115.** The only benefit for these hellish beings is that they do not die prematurely. For all living beings in the universe, a long life is desirable, and this long life is easily available to the hellish beings. ||115||
**116.** In the seven earths, starting from Ratnaprabha and ending with Mahatamas, the lifespan of the hellish beings is measured as follows: one ocean, three oceans, seven oceans, ten oceans, seventeen oceans, twenty-two oceans, and thirty-three oceans. This is their highest state. ||116-117||
**118.** The higher states of the previous hells, when combined with a longer duration, become the lower states of the subsequent hells. The lowest state of the first hell is ten thousand years. ||118||
**119.** Those who are afflicted by anger, pride, delusion, and greed, and whose minds are constantly agitated by the great whirlpool of sorrow and contemplation, such beings with wrong views, whether they are animals, humans, gods, or hellish beings, attain the animal realm, which is filled with suffering and immobile beings. ||119-120||
**121.** Those born in the animal realm, whether they have an earth body, water body, fire body, air body, or plant body, experience the suffering of birth again and again. ||121||
**122.** Some are born with two senses, like worms, others with three senses, like lice, others with four senses, like bees, and others with five senses, like birds, fish, and deer. These beings experience suffering for a long time in their animal births. ||122-123||
**124.** The lowest state of the animal beings born on earth is a moment, and the highest state is one hundred million years. The highest state of the animal beings born in the realm of enjoyment is three palyas, and the lowest state is one palya. ||124||
**125.** Those who are naturally simple, naturally gentle, naturally virtuous, and naturally fearful of sin, are...