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The specific ripening of the *bhavasrava* due to the intensity, mildness, etc., of the *kashaya* is called *anubhava*, or the various ripenings of karma due to the differences in substance, field, time, existence, and feeling are called *anubhava-bandha*. ||288-289||
Just as the *anubhava-bandha* of the auspicious natures is excellent due to the results, so the *anubhava-bandha* of the inauspicious natures is inferior, and just as the *anubhava-bandha* of the inauspicious natures is excellent due to the special characteristics of the inauspicious results, so the *anubhava-bandha* of the auspicious natures is inferior. ||290-291||
All the root natures of karma are experienced by themselves, and the similar natures of the subsequent natures are experienced by both themselves and others, except for the *mohaniya* and *ayus* karmas. ||292||