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## 82. The Chapter on the Eight-Forty-Five: The Cause of Tirthankarahood, the Tirthankara Name Karma, and its Nature
**28.** The Tirthankara name karma is the cause of Tirthankarahood. There are ninety-nine further natures of this name karma.
**10.** There are two types of Gotra karma: **Uchcha Gotra** (high lineage) and **Nīcha Gotra** (low lineage). Birth in a noble family is due to the **Uchcha Gotra**, while birth in a low family is due to the **Nīcha Gotra**.
**280.** **Dāna-antarāya** (obstacle to giving) is the karma that prevents a being from giving even when they desire to do so. **Lābha-antarāya** (obstacle to gain) is the karma that prevents a being from gaining even when they desire to do so.
**281.** **Bhoga-antarāya** (obstacle to enjoyment) is the karma that prevents a being from enjoying even when they desire to do so. **Upbhoga-antarāya** (obstacle to consumption) is the karma that prevents a being from consuming even when they desire to do so.
**282.** **Vīrya-antarāya** (obstacle to effort) is the karma that prevents a being from putting forth effort even when they desire to do so. This is the nature of **Bandha** (bondage).
**283.** **Sthiti-bandha** (bondage of duration) is of two types: **Jghanya** (inferior) and **Utkrisht** (superior), depending on the intensity of the karma. This applies to all eight karmas.
**284.** The **Utkrisht** duration of **Jñāna-āvaraṇa** (knowledge obscuring karma), **Darśana-āvaraṇa** (perception obscuring karma), **Vedaniya** (sensory karma), and **Antarāya** (obstacle karma) is thirty **Koți-koți** (billions of billions) of **Sāgara** (oceans).
**285.** The **Utkrisht** duration of **Moha-niya** (delusion karma) is seventy **Koți-koți** **Sāgara**. The **Utkrisht** duration of **Nāma** (name karma) and **Gotra** (lineage karma) is twenty **Koți-koți** **Sāgara**. This **Utkrisht** duration applies only to **Sañjñī** (conscious), **Pañc-endriya** (five-sensed), **Paryāpta** (sufficient) beings.
**286.** The **Utkrisht** duration of **Āyu** (life span karma) is thirty-three **Sāgara**. The **Jghanya** duration of **Vedaniya** is twelve **Muhurta** (moments).
**287.** The **Jghanya** duration of **Nāma** and **Gotra** is eight **Muhurta**. The **Jghanya** duration of the remaining five karmas is **Antar-muhurta** (within a moment).