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## Chapter 676
**15.** In the Harivamsha Purana, it is stated that those who abstain from all four types of food during the four festivals of Nirarambha, and who practice the Proshdhopavasa, are those who have withdrawn their senses from the external world and reside within their own selves.
**155.** Those who use things like fragrances, garlands, food, and drink are engaging in **Upamoga** (consumption). Those who use things like seats and other possessions are engaging in **Paribhoga** (possession).
**156.** The amount of Upamoga and Paribhoga should be determined according to one's capacity and as per the scriptures. This is the **Upamoga-Paribhoga-Parimana** vow.
**157.** Abstaining from meat, alcohol, honey, gambling, prostitutes, and eating at night, as well as abandoning the killing of living beings, is known as the **Niyama** vow.
**158.** One who constantly wanders for the sake of increasing their restraint is called an **Atithi** (guest). Offering them food and other necessities according to the scriptures and with purity is the **Atithi-Samvibhaga** vow.
**159.** There are four types of Atithi-Samvibhaga, based on the differences in begging, medicine, equipment, and shelter.
**160.** When death is imminent, one should practice **Sallekhana**, which involves completely emaciating the body externally and the passions internally. This Sallekhana is mandatory for a vow-taker at the time of death.
**161.** When death is inevitable, Sallekhana should be practiced according to the scriptures to prevent the arising of passions.
**162.** Doubt, desire, and other eight defects are the **Atichara** (transgressions) of **Samyag Darshan** (right faith), which are opposed to the eight limbs of the path of liberation. These should be abandoned by the virtuous.
**163.** There are five Atichara for each of the five Anuvrata (minor vows) and seven Shila Vrata (major vows). These are described here in order. Those who practice these vows should avoid these transgressions.
**164.** Restraining the movement of living beings, excessive beating with a stick, cutting off ears and other body parts, loading excessive weight, and obstructing hunger and thirst are all transgressions.