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Chapter Fifty-Five:
"Who is the supreme, immortal Jina, who can lift the earth with his palm, swiftly move the oceans in all directions, and shake the mountain king with disdain?" ||8||
Hearing these words, Hari, with a smiling face, addressed the Lord, "Why, O Lord, is your great strength not tested in a duel?" ||9||
The Jina, looking up at Krishna, said, "What need have I for a wrestling match? If you wish to know the strength of my arms, then move my foot from this seat." ||10||
With a desire to conquer the Jina, Hari, with all his might, tried to move the foot, but he was unable to move even the toe, which held the moon-like nail. ||11||
His body was drenched in sweat, and he breathed heavily. Finally, he relinquished his pride and said, "O Lord, your strength is extraordinary and miraculous." ||12||
At that moment, Indra's seat trembled, and he immediately came with the gods, worshipped, praised, and bowed to the Lord, then returned to his place. ||13||
The Jina, the moon-like one who had destroyed Krishna's pride, surrounded by many kings, went to his palace. Krishna, doubting himself, also went to his palace. It is true that those with confused minds doubt even the Jinas. ||14||
From that day on, Hari, with respect and reverence, worshipped the Jina, the moon-like one, who was superior in every way. ||15||