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1. Rukminī, the daughter of the king of Vidarbha, upon hearing the words of her maternal aunt, said: "How can the words of the great sage become untrue on this earth?" (57)
2. "Therefore, please try your best to send my intention quickly to the lord of Dvārikā. He alone is my beloved." (58)
3. Hearing this and understanding the maiden's intention, her maternal aunt secretly sent a letter to Lord Kṛṣṇa through a trustworthy person. (59)
4. In the letter it was written: "O Hare! Rukminī is desirous of your abduction. She is sustaining her life by taking your name-bearing food." (60)
5. "O Mādhava! If on the Śukla Aṣṭamī of the month of Māgha, you quickly come and abduct her, then without any doubt she will be yours. Otherwise, if she is given away to Śiśupāla by her father and relatives, then for her, refuge in death alone will remain." (61-62)
6. "She will be found in the outer garden under the pretext of worshiping Nāgadevī. O compassionate one! You must certainly come and accept her." (63)
7. Having understood the true meaning of the letter, Kṛṣṇa became attentive towards the abduction of Rukminī. (64)