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Forty-first Chapter
Shālinī Chanda
'By the Jains, the Vāṇavas, the Vaiṣṇavas, and the Maddeśacandrāloka-prakataiḥ, the groups of good qualities,
'The meaning is clear, the people are delighted, the waves are like the ocean, the Dwārakā is beautiful. ||5||'
Thus, in the Harivamśa, composed by Jinaseṇācārya, in the collection of the Ariṣṭanemi Purāṇa, the description of the establishment of Dwārakā
is called the Forty-first Chapter. ||35||
Gautama Svāmī says that Dwārikāpuri, which was touched by the light of the moon, which was manifested by the groups of excellent qualities of Nemijinenndra, Bhojak Vṛṣṇi, Kṛṣṇa, and Balabhadra, in which people were jumping like waves with joy, and which was beautiful from the gates, was being adorned by the sea like a garland. ||57||
Thus ends the Forty-first Chapter of the Harivamśa Purāṇa, composed by Jinaseṇācārya, which is a collection of the Ariṣṭanemi Purāṇa, which describes Dwārikāpuri. ||4||
1. Related to Nemijina. 2. These are the Vṛṣṇis. 3. These are the Vaiṣṇavas, related to Viṣṇu, i.e., Śrī Kṛṣṇa. 4. These are the Balabhadra, related to Balabhadra. 5. The meaning is clear. 6. Dwāra is beautiful.