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O Pranatipriya! O Devotee-Beloved! Now you will cross the vast ocean of the world, filled with the terrible suffering of birth, old age, and death, and attain the peak of liberation, the summit of all worlds. The sages proclaim that this is the supreme, unique, imperishable, and self-beneficial path, where the great, all-pervading, self-existent, eternally rising, boundless, and blissful state is attained, a state that is unattainable by the unworthy. 5. The happiness that is found here, O Lord, is the cause of the great prosperity of the gods and humans, including Indra and the kings, who are bound by the lordship of the universe. 6. You are the master of the teachings that explain the principles of creation, destruction, and sustenance. Only by following your teachings will one attain liberation, not by relying on other doctrines. Therefore, let everyone take refuge in you. Those who, with unwavering faith, embrace your teachings and become free from the bonds of ignorance, are the ones who achieve their purpose in this world, O Jinendra. 7. O Lord! You are adorned with the splendor of sweet and beneficial words, you are the destroyer of the world, you have filled the spaces between the directions with fragrance, you are endowed with excellent cohesion, excellent structure, and excellent form, you are adorned with all auspicious qualities, your body's blood is like milk, you are the knower of taste and feeling, your body is free from impurities, free from sweat, you are filled with infinite strength that pervades the earth. 8. You have conquered Kamadeva (the god of desire) with the self-knowledge of restraint. You are the sustainer of the happiness of the world. 9. O Lord! We, the devotees, bow down to you, who are infinite in your qualities.